Chapter 53

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Chapter 53: Kidnapped

            Its 7am PST – Saturday, 6 of August, Gary is with Aunt Artic with another counselling session. When Gary and Aunt Artic sat down, dark mist came in the room and kidnapped Aunt Artic.

            “HELP!!!!” she yelled.

            “Aunt Artic!” said Gary.

            He got her flipper, and flew out the window with her. When they were high enough to see the entire island, Gary fell down.

            “Aaaah!” he yelled.

            “Garyyyyy!” yelled Aunt Artic.

            “Save your breath!” said the dark mist.

            When Gary was falling down, Sensei went into his Fire Guardian mode and caught him.

            “Sensei!” said Gary.

            “Gary you’re ok! What happened to you up there? Tell me what happened?” said Sensei.

            “Some dark mist took Aunt Artic away!” said Gary.

            “Better bring you down” said Sensei.

            Sensei dropped a Smoke ball and froze time in the Dojo location and Sensei and Gary went down safely.

            “Thanks Sensei” said Gary.

            “You’re Welcome” said Sensei.

            Sensei picked up the Activated Smoke ball and unfroze time. Sensei entered back into the Dojo and Gary got a message from Petty K. It said:


            G Billy got kidnapped by some dark cloud!

-Petty K

            That made Gary more suspicious. So he went to the EPF Command room and looked at all the surveillances around the Club Penguin Island. Then when he saw the footage in Herbert’s cave, he saw Lira with Herbert and also saw Aunt Artic and G Billy trapped in tubes. He put on the Audio and listened for what they said.

            “Are you sure that doing this will make us rule all of Club Penguin?” asked Herbert.

            “Not only here, but the entire Cyber Space and soon…the Human World!” said Lira. “Those two are now trapped, their power is going to help us!”

            Gary turned the Audio off and got the recording of what he saw. Now, he needs to show it to Allie but he can’t use the Tube Transport because he has no Human DNA. So he went to the Town Centre in his ‘Ray’ disguise and tried to think of a way to go to the Human world. So when Gary looked at the sky, he noticed that something was odd. So he brought out his telescope and saw heads of human beings who is using their CP accounts.

            “That’s it! I must get through that screen to go to the human world! I just need Scarlet’s screen!” thought Gary.

            He brought out his notepad and discovered that Scarlet will be going online today. So he prepared his Jetpack and went to the beacon. He looked at his buddy list and saw that Scarlet is at the Beach. So he flew up and went out of the Jetpack Adventure boarder and went to the beach and saw Allie’s human face. Gary pushed to her screen and was able to make it. Back at the Human World, Allie is seeing that her screen is getting pixelated and saw a flash at the side of her table. When the flash wore off, she saw Gary but not in his holographic form in her room.

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