Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Gary’s move to Scarlet

            The following week, Gary was accepted to have a break. So he went to his igloo and planned to call Scarlet. So he got his Spy Phone and calls her. Meanwhile at Scarlet’s igloo, Scarlet saw her piano manuscript with a song that she is working on. So she played her piano till her phone rang. So she got her phone and saw that Gary is calling her.

            “Gary? Why is he calling me?” asked Scarlet in her mind.

So she answered the phone.

            “Sup G?” asked Scarlet.

            “Hey Scarlet, do you want to…” said Gary till he hangs up.

            “Hu?” said Scarlet in confusion.

            Gary just couldn’t do it. He was too nervous to do it. So he tried it again and Scarlet answered it.

            “What do you want Gary?” asked Scarlet.

            “Hey, please meet me in the Coffee Shop! Thanks” said Gary.

            He hanged up and Scarlet became more confused.

            “Ok?” said Scarlet.

            So she wore her outdoor clothes which was a pink sparkly shirt with the blue shorts, pink checked shoes, a pink backpack, and white sunglasses and wore a long wavy blue wig. She went to the Coffee Shop and Gary was not there. But she saw a note on the sofa near the door. It said:

            “Go order some hot chocolate! Don’t worry, I won’t be late”

-         Gary

            So Scarlet ordered a cup of hot chocolate and took a sip. Then someone entered the Coffee Shop. It was a blue penguin with a trench coat and thick glasses. It’s Gary – reacting the time when they first met which was in the coffee shop on October 4 2012. So she went to Gary.

            “G?! What are you doing?” asked Scarlet.

            Gary took her to the Book Room and in that spot where they hide.

            “Gary, why are you doing the time before in October?” asked Scarlet.

            “I knew you remembered!” said Gary. “Now, do you want to do Dance Competition or something?”.

            “Gary, sorry to burst your bubble but this isn’t a good time for this! I’m sorry!” said Scarlet sadly. “It’s just that… uh well, maybe I’m not ready to go on a date yet and you have work to do”

            “Billybob and the Director allowed me to have a day off!” said Gary.

            “Sorry G, I just can’t yet!” said Scarlet.

            She ran away from the Book Room and returned back to my igloo. Gary felt sad and went to Aunt Artic. Her igloo door was knocked.

            “Who is it?” asked Aunt Artic.

            “It’s Gary, I’m having a day off and I need to talk to you!” said Gary.

            Aunt Artic opened her door and let Gary in. She let Gary sit on her couch while Aunt Artic makes him coffee.

            “You feel blue Gary!” said Aunt Artic. “Not because you are blue though! So what do you want to talk about?”

            “There is this penguin that I have feeling with but the penguin rejected me. What could you do to cheer me up?” asked Gary.

            “My, I’m guessing that you have feelings with Scarlet I see! Well, maybe you just rush things! She is just 15 and you need to know that all she is focusing to just to go home” said Aunt Artic. “Maybe you should just wait till the time is right!”

            “I see” said Gary. “But what happens if she is going home and she is still not ready?”

            “Then I guess that she is really not ready” said Aunt Artic. “Look Gary, she just had a finished relationship with Racer and she might not want that to remember about their ‘separation’. Maybe it’s for the best that she must be alone till the time comes”

            “Thanks Aunt Artic! I’m glad that we had this talk!” said Gary.

            “Glad to help you as always!” said Aunt Artic. “Anyway, you should start fixing that machine so she can return back to the Human world!”

            “I will” said Gary soflty.

            Gary felt bad that soon that Scarlet will start to leave Club Penguin. But he has no other choice but to fix the machine and find a way to fix his broken heart.

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