Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 – An old friend

            The next Day, Allie woke up and thought that everything is a dream. But it was not. Gary arrived in his undercover disguise that she gave him and they had a talk.

            “Gary, me becoming a penguin, is it really real!?” asked Allie.

Allie got shocked that she can hear her own voice.

            “Yes!” said Gary.

Allie got shocked again that she can hear Gary’s voice does not have speech bubbles above him.

            “Why can I hear you?” asked Allie.

            “You have entered the real world of Club Penguin!” said Gary. “Meaning, that it’s like in the Human world but it’s just Club Penguin. Other penguins will just see the virtual world of it”

Then Allie became sad about missing her human life.

            “I’m sorry Allie but in the Human world, your parents are burying your body and thinking that you are dead!” said Gary. “So you can’t leave Club Penguin now!”

            “Did my friends tell you this?” asked Allie.

            “Yes” said Gary. “Now, the Director ordered me that you shall be known as your penguin name Scarlet just to keep things in order. Agents are trying to let everyone forget about the incident yesterday so you don’t have to worry. So what’s the next lesson?”

            “I will give you the lesson that every normal penguin must know: Having Fun!” said Scarlet. “You have been working too hard and you need a break! So you’re going to play some games with me and at the same time, making me be used to my penguin self”

            “Let’s go then!” said Gary.

They first arrived at the beacon and Scarlet asked Gary to play Jetpack adventure with her in the same Jetpack. And the game play became hectic.

            “Gary, how do I operate this thing?” yelled Scarlet.

            “Body weight helps you mobilize the Jetpack” said Gary.

            “In English Gary!” said Allie.

            “Use your weight to move the Jetpack” said Gary. “Like this!”

He made the Jetpack go down and he is trying to make it go up again.

“Aaaaaaaah!!!!” they yelled.

“Gary!!! Make it go up again!” yelled Scarlet.

“I’m trying!” said Gary.

Then a group of penguins saw them having trouble Jet Packing in the Docks.

            “Look! There is a Jetpack adventure problem” said a Green penguin.

            Macy, Kayla and Garnet saw it and were surprized as well.

            “Man! How is this happening?” asked Kayla.

            “That penguin will manage it!” said Garnet.

Back on the Skies, Scarlet and Gary is still crashing down.

            “Mayday, Mayday!!!” yelled Scarlet and Gary.

Then they were able to bring it back up.

            “Finally!” said Scarlet.

            “Let’s continue flying!” said Gary.

Club Penguin: Missing LinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora