Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: War at Work

            Back at work, Allie is working for a new song because Music Jam ’18 is coming up after 3 weeks. It’s now May 29 and Allie was told that she will be recording her voice again if the song is ok. The Penguin Band has now five members and it was Starlight! Starlight is Scarlet’s character form and that’s the only thing that Lane has told Allie that has to do with her past. She remembers almost all the things as Starlight and the Penguin Band. She is now working on a new song called Friends Forever and seems that she can’t the song right. It’s because that Lydia has been sneaking in and changing the words. So every time Allie sees it again, things go wrong.

            “Oh dam! It will take days for me to fix this song!” said Allie.

            Then Jason came. Jason plays the Guitar so he is in charge of Stompin Bob’s character.

            “Hey Allie, what’s up!” said Jason.

            “It’s just this new song it having a mix up every time I work on it!” said Allie.

            “Humm, you want me to help you with it?” asked Jason.

            “Ok” said Allie.

            So Jason looked at the song and told her some advice.

            “Ok, it looks like that someone is messing up with the song” said Jason. “What I can tell you is that you write two copies and always have the second copy! That way, when copy number 1 had a change, you can see copy 2 to go back where you have left it”

            “Oh thanks Jason” said Allie.

            “Hey, I’m here to help a friend!” said Jason.

            So Allie did what Jason told her. So Allie worked on the song and after 2 days, the song was finished. She showed it to the Leader of the Music Department and the leader approved it. So Allie now has to work on the song with the music and then she records the song. Meanwhile, Lydia was on the Support area and was answering and typing hard and hoping that she will get Lane’s attention. Then came Lunch Break. Lane called Allie to go to the Games Room and that its good time for them to chat while not working. They played at the Table Tennis table and they talk about work.

            “So Allie, it seems that you are having that song ready” said Lane.

            “I did! Now I just need to work on the music and record then done!” said Allie.

            “I’m proud of you!” said Lane. “Once your done recording, you can now work on game testing the Music Jam”

            “I can’t wait!” said Allie. “Uh, dad, I am having these dreams about Club Penguin and bit by bit, I get flashes in my head making some parts of my past appear. What does those flashes in my mind mean?”

            “I don’t know!” said Lane.

“But what I do know is that you don’t have to worry about them”.

            “Ok then” said Allie. “I just hope that the time when I get to learn my past comes”.

            They continued playing and Allie got the final shot.

            “Here comes the final wave!” said Allie.

She hit the ball and Lane misses it.

            “I won!” said Allie.

            “Man you’re improving!” said Lane.

            As Allie and Lane shook hands, Lydia was watching them. She became jealous of them being together. She needs to be Employee of the Month fast. So as Allie and Lane leave, Allie was looking at the pictures of all the Characters knowing that maybe looking at them will help her remember. Then Lydia came.

            “Now why are you looking at these pictures?” asked Lydia.

            “I just need a sign about my past!” said Allie. “I still just got a few pieces so maybe looking at them may help me”.

            “I get it! You are working for Club Penguin just so you can remember your forgotten past! And once you have remembered it all, you would leave! What a heartbreaker” said Lydia.

            “That’s not true!” said Allie.

            “We’ll see” said Lydia. “See you around”

            She left and Allie is starting to have Déjà Vu when she is around Lydia. She just can’t remember what. At 4:30 pm Allie and Stan were allowed to leave early. So they went out and went to the Skate Park in the park near the Shopping Centre. In there, Allie was practicing her skating while Stan draws pictures of her. Then they had a break and talked about things at work.

            “I just don’t get it why my dad won’t tell me about my past except that my penguin won in the Contest and I am able to be a Character in Club Penguin if I just wave that crystal my penguin got!” said Allie.

            “Well, the senior artists just kept shut if a talk about you” said Stan. “I’m guessing that all the senior and workers who worked for Club Penguin 5 years ago may know about your past but they just won’t tell anyone”.

            “I guess but it’s kind of sad that Dad won’t tell me what happened when I was in a coma!” said Allie. “Only a few of my dreams tell me some parts of it and this necklace never stop glowing when I wear it!”

            “Can I check that necklace?” asked Stan.

            Allie allowed Stan to take hold of that necklace and saw something odd with it.

            “The gem of this necklace is not like of any Earth’s solids!” said Stan. “Except that it’s like a warm icicle stuck with a straight flexible spring”

            “Oh!” said Allie. “But how could there be a warm icicle in Earth? Aren’t they supposed to melt?”

            “And if you think its plastic, it’s not a counterfeit! It’s the real deal!” said Stan.

            “I guess this must be a really rare jewel!” said Allie.

            Then it became to rain. They both had to run home so they don’t get soaked!

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