Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: The Newbie

            Once again, the searching of the Employee of the Month for the month of May has started and everyone needs to work hard to get Lane’s approvement. But Allie never gets Employee of the Month just because she is his Daughter and it would be unfair for the Team if he makes her Employee of the Month. So, Allie is working at the Music Department today and before everyone stated working, he made an announcement that they have a new employee. Her name is Lydia and she is working for the Support Department.

            “Everyone, Let’s give a warm welcome to Lydia who will be working for the Support Department!” said Lane.

            Everyone welcomed Lydia. Then Lane introduced her to Allie and told her that she is his Stepdaughter. That’s when she became furious. At Lunch Break, Lydia went to Allie.

            “Listen girl! You may be the daughter of the boss of Club Penguin but there is no way that you’ll be better than me!” said Lydia.

            “Whoa! I’m sorry but it’s good that if we start with a hello or something” said Allie.

            “I warn you, there is no way that you’ll be the boss’ favourite just because you’re his daughter! I’ll be Employee of the Month and there is no one stopping me!” said Lydia.

            “Hello, Lane doesn’t make me Employee of the Month!” said Allie.

            “Whatever!” said Lydia.

Then Lane came to them.

            “Hey, how you girls doing?” asked Lane.

            “Later!” said Lydia who left Allie alone.

            “That girl has problems!” said Allie.

            “Allie, I know that she may be rough in the Edges but don’t worry, you’ll get along” said Lane.

            “Dad, why aren’t you answering my questions?” asked Allie. “I have been asking them for the past 5 years and you never respond”.

            “I believe that you are not ready to know the answers yet” said Lane.

            “Just like you always say” said Allie.

            “Alicia, be patient! The time will come till everything will be explained” said Lane. “You have been good in the office lately! I’m glad that my adopted daughter is doing fine”

            “And why did you want to take care of me in the first place” Allie groaned.

            “Like what I told you, your parents have issues” said Lane.

            Lane left her while she eats and at 1:00 pm, everyone went back to work.

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