Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: Is it Déjà vu or the Truth?

            Starlight and Sensei arrived in Club Penguin Island. They removed the water beam and Starlight returned to Scarlet and Sensei returned into his normal form. They hid behind the Lighthouse and swam.  They just have a problem; they don’t know how to enter the Island without being seen.

            “Ok, how are we going to get on that Island without being seen?” asked Starlight.

            “Well, I can return without being seen but you can’t” said Sensei.

            “Maybe I’ll arrive at the Docks” said Scarlet.

            “Yeah but your Step – Dad said that I have to take you to your next penguin and that’s Gary!” said Sensei.

            “Since when you communicated with Lane?” asked Scarlet.

            “Last Night, before I met you at the beach!” said Sensei. “I was meditating and somehow, he sent me a voice message”

            “Ok, so how are we or I will get in there?” asked Scarlet.

            “If I can try disappearing us together, it would work!” said Sensei.

            “But you need lots of energy for that” said Scarlet.

            “No I don’t” said Sensei. “Hold my flipper!”

            Scarlet held his flipper and Sensei did what he did to disappear himself. They both disappeared and Scarlet was still holding Sensei’s hand. Sensei started to do his disappearing act. He threw a smoke ball and made a ‘Time Stopper Spell’. It stops time and Sensei can walk everywhere and no one can see him. Now, Scarlet is unaffected. Sensei swam to get his smoke ball in the ocean and they were both walking to Gary’s igloo. They arrived and Sensei stopped the spell.

            “Hi G!” said Scarlet.

            “Aaaah!” said Gary who just got shocked and threw a mug of coffee in the Air. Sensei did his disappearing move and got the coffee mug and placed all the coffee back in.

            “Here you go!” said Sensei.

            “Thanks!” said Gary.

            Sensei went back to Scarlet and told her something.

            “Scarlet, here is a little something I want you to have” said Sensei.

            Sensei gave her a pack of those smoke balls that Sensei uses when he disappears.

            “Thanks Sensei” said Scarlet.

            Sensei left by disappearing himself and Gary was searching for something on his desk.

            “G, are you ok?” asked Scarlet.

            “Yeah! I’m just finding something!” said Gary.

            Gary found what he was looking for. It was a small red box. Now he teleported both of them to the HQ. They arrived and can see all the Main EPF agents. Then Scarlet’s mind flashed and remembered the time when she met all the EPF agents at HQ after the Probot fled with Herbert.

            “Scarlet, are you ok?” asked Dot.

            “I’m fine, just a strong memory” said Scarlet.

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