Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: The Return of Lira

Back at Alana's school, during lunch break, Florence told Alana her something that shocked her.

"You must be joking?!" said Alana.

"I'm serious! I'm going to play Club Penguin again!" said Florence. "When I met Cadence yesterday, it made me have the confidence to go back there!"

"What kind of Kid are you?" asked Alana.

"Lana! I don't care if your mother works there! I just want to go back and play CP again! It's my decision!" said Florence.

"Fine, if you are going back there... I will too!" said Alana. "Shall we go online today?"

"Ok! The Server Yeti at 7:00pm!" said Florence.

When it became 6:19pm, the day shift people were going to leave. When that happened, Lira took over Lydia's body and went to the helmets room. When she entered and went near them, Lauren, who is a senior support staff member, came.

"Lydia? What are you doing?" asked Lauren.

Lira turned around, and sent used dark energy and pushed Lauren out of the room. Allie, Lane and Joshua saw it and ran into the room.

"Lydia! Stop at once!" said Lane.

"Really, you still think I'm Lydia?!" asked Lira using Lydia's voice.

Allie's necklace glowed and she knew that it's not Lydia.

"Lira! It's you isn't it?!" said Allie.

"Lira?" asked Joshua.

"Lira is Allie's test penguin" said Lane. "What are you doing here?!"

"I came back 13 years ago to do my master plan! Ha, ha!" said Lira.

Lira used her powers to turn on Luna's account and logged her in. Then she put on the helmet and all of Lira's soul went to Luna's body. After that procedure, Lydia fell to the ground. Lane and Joshua ran to her aid and Allie got a text from Alana.

I'm going to play CP again! -Alana

"Oh no!" said Allie.

"So long fools! Time to do my master plan!" said Lira.

Lira teleported out of the server and the CP website shut off.

"Lira escaped!" said Lane.

"Guys, what happened?" asked Lydia. "How did I get here?"

"Hard to explain!" said Lane

"Guys, not only Lira escaped, Alana went online!" said Allie.

"As long Lira does not know your daughter's account, we'll be fine!" said Lane.

In CP, Lira started to find the all the penguins needed to help her. They are all the Guardians of the Link.

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