Chapter 42

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Chapter 42: Dance Party

            The Next Day, Scarlet woke up and she saw that she got mail. She read it and it’s from Cadence. It said:


            Me and Aunt Artic wants you to come to the Rooftop at the Night Club. We want you to join our dance routine. Meet you there!

-         Cadence

            So Scarlet got her dancing clothes and went to the Night Club. As she entered the front door, the star sign at the front door glowed. It scanned her and she is being transported to the Rooftop.

            “Aaaaah!” she yelled.

            She arrived and can see a big stage at the rooftop. She saw Aunt Artic and Cadence on the stage planning on something.

            “Hey Cadence! Hi Aunt Artic!” said Scarlet.

            “Hey!” the two penguins said.

            “So what’s going on?” asked Scarlet.

            “We are planning to do a special performance!” said Cadence.

            “But the planning is hard!” said Aunt Artic. “Billybob said that the workers will not be doing the designing and that we must try to do it ourselves”

            “How sad!” said Scarlet. “So why did you call me?”

            “We send that letter when I woke up!” said Cadence. “We thought that we will be practicing but instead, we have to be the decorating committee as well!”

            “Mind if I help?” asked Scarlet.

            “Sure!” said Aunt Artic. “Now, we need to work with Lights! What will you pick?”

            “I don’t know!” said Cadence. “I’m not good with Technology!”

            “Question, why not asked Gary or the Band?” asked Scarlet.

            “We can’t because… we heard about the incident with you and him yesterday so we had an Idea that we will try to do things ourselves” said Aunt Artic.

            “And the band is rehearsing for the music they’ll play” said Cadence.

            “I know what I did to G yesterday but we should at least need help even if they’re our enemies!” said Scarlet. “Like what happened when Herbert helped the EPF save the island! And besides, I don’t hate Gary, it’s just he had a crush on me before and I don’t want that to affect my relationship with Stan”

            “You’ve got a point” said Cadence.

            Cadence called Gary and he arrived. He saw Scarlet and felt bad.

            “Hi Scarlet” said Gary.

            “Hey G!” said Scarlet.

            “Anyway, Gary, you know these gadget things and what so ever, mind if you can help us” asked Cadence.

            “Ok” said Gary.

            “Great!” said Aunt Artic. “Now we must work on decorations!”

            “I can manage that!” said Scarlet. “What’s the theme?”

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