Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Gary’s Secret

            The Mine stated to fall apart and Scarlet is angry with Gary because it’s his Jetpack mine cart that caused all of this mess.

“Thanks a lot G! You have trapped lots of penguins due to the fact that you have to attach a Jetpack to a Mine Cart just so you can find me!” said Scarlet. “Isn’t creepy that you are following me around? I’ve finished my mission as… you know and you still need to follow me?!”

            “Hey! I’m here to know if you’re safe! You know that you could die for what you are doing!” said Gary.

“HELLO! In Bean Counters or Catching Waves? We wipe out or get hit from an anvil and we don’t die!!!” said Scarlet.

“Forget the argument! We need to escape this Mine!” said Gary.

They tried to run out but both exits were covered with rubble. Then a pile for metal started to fall. Gary and Scarlet transformed to their Guardian form. They made a shield and the falling metal and rubble made a dome so no other rubble and metal will hit them. Then they tried to use their powers so they can escape but before that happened, the deformed back to their normal form. The place became dark so they wore their night vision goggles. Scarlet put her skateboard back in her bag.

            “Damm! No more power left!” said Gary.

            “Oh shiver me Timers!” said Scarlet.

            “Shiver me timers?” said Gary.

            “I tried to not swear as possible so I needed to find some new words to replace them!” said Scarlet.

            “Fascinating but we need to find a new way out!” said Gary.

They brought out their Spy Phone but there was no signal so they can’t contact help or teleport. But Gary had a message from Dot. It said:


The mine shack fell and all the penguins evacuated safe and sound! Where are you?

-         Dot

“Plan B, dig our way out!” said Gary.

They tried to remove the rubble and metal pieces but they were too heavy and stuck.

            “WE’RE GONNA DIE!” yelled Gary.

Then Scarlet slapped him at the face.

            “Dude, you’re so not helping! And we can’t die, we are computerized beings and the only creatures that gets hungry here are Herbert and the Puffles!” said Scarlet.

Then Scarlet’s stomach rumbled.

            “You were saying” said Gary.

            “Well… I’m a human being!” said Scarlet.

Gary stared at her in a weird way.

            “Human? Like that!” said Gary.

            “Fine! Human–ish” said Scarlet.

He still stared at her proving that they will die.

            “Fine! So I’m a penguin! But I have human needs! Since when do you go hungry?” asked Scarlet.

Then Gary’s stomach rumbled.

            “Oh!” said Scarlet.

            “I knew it!” said Gary. “We are going to die!”

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