Chapter 66

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Chapter 66: One Last Secret of the Link

After that Special Event, Allie teleported back to Club Penguin. So to celebrate, all the CP Team went online and had a party in the real and Virtual world. Lane and Alana wore their helmets and they met Scarlet and the first 10 characters in Scarlet's igloo. Billybob is about to tell the final secret of the Link.

"Hey, you still have those Power Crystals?" asked Billybob.

"Yeah, what about it?" asked Cadence.

"I have one more secret about it!" said Billybob. "If we can use the broken pieces of Allie's old necklace and we combine all our crystals, I think we can restore the Link Orb!"

So everyone brought out their Crystals and Lane placed all of the broken pieces and the piece used in Allie's wedding ring from Stan, they formatted an orb and Scarlet and Lily gave a few of their Link Power and its became the Orb once again!

"Oh my! So that's the orb that where our powers originated?" asked Lily.

"Yes" said Gary.

"So, it's not Allie or Lily we're looking for, we were waiting for all the Crystals to be activated to all the Guardians of the Link... the ready ones" said Billybob.

"So that's why it took so long for most of the penguins to be ready!" said Aunt Artic.

Billybob got the orb and gave it to Gary.

"G, once again, you shall protect the orb like what happened 28 years ago!" said Billybob.

"Sir, I... I don't think we must use the orb because Scarlet is here and she can balance Club Penguin" said Gary.

"Then I think we should do something about this Link power so it can balance Club Penguin" said Billybob.

So what they did is that, they brought Scarlet and Lily at the tallest mountain and they flew up and touched all the buoys in different directions and when they connect the last buoys, they placed the Link Orb right at the centre of the connection and Club Penguin is officially balanced!"

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