Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Fashion Chic

            Billybob became mad for what Lira is making them do.

            “Listen, I want you to stop! You don’t have to do this you know! What about you undo the spell then were done!” said Billybob.

            “Oh, so you want this to end hey?” said Lira. “You don’t quit when chasing Herbert and if you ban me, the spell will be stuck there forever!”

            “Creator, do what the girl wants!” said Aunt Artic. “The faith of Club Penguin relays on our skills!”

            “Fine, I’ll log off and you guys continue your thing!” said Billybob.

Billybob was able to leave before Lira was able to put a spell on him.

            “Who cares, that guy isn’t going to help you in your next challenge where you need to set up a fashion show! You need to dress up Rookie and you can’t let Dot help you!” said Lira. “I’ll dress up a friend of mine and the theme is ‘Disco’, next is ‘Adventure’ and third is ‘Card – Jitsu master in one element’! You only have a month to work on it and that stage will transform into a fashion runway!”

She left and they started to go shopping and bought lots of clothes. Then they went to Cadence’s igloo to work on the perfect outfit for Rookie.

            “Who can help us with this contest? Dot is the best disguise person I know and we can’t use her!” said Rookie.

            “If I may, I’m good with fashion as well!” said Cadence.

            “I never knew that!” said Gary.

            “Me either!” said Franky.

So they are working on Rookie’s clothes. They know that the theme is Disco and Scarlet knows that Rookie like wearing that puffy disco wig. And they have the Rock and Roll suit. They put it on him and he looks perfect. They had to remove his glasses and put those old black glasses that Jetpack Guy has. Then they worked on adventure. They have face paint and the castaway clothes for him. They had to argue about wearing glasses. Rookie loves wearing them but it doesn’t match the outfit. So Plan B is being a pirate. They got a pirate costume and the one–eyed glasses. The last plan was the hardest one. They can’t buy the clothes, they have to earn it! They begged Sensei but he wouldn’t agree.

            “But Sensei…” said Cadence.

            “It must be earned! It can’t be given Cadence, I’m sorry for that!” said Sensei.

            “Don’t worry, Rookie can wear mine!” said Scarlet.

            “That’s a good idea!” said Stompin Bob. “But will it work?”

They place the water, fire and snow suit at Rookie and it worked. He just can’t keep it but it worked. Now they have to work on walking on the runway. They made he do some poses which he is good at. He just can’t do it with a huge crowd.

            “Oh no! I’m not doing it!” said Rookie.

            “But you have to so you can save Club Penguin!” said Aunt Artic.

            “But what happens if I get nervous?” asked Rookie.

            “I told you that it’s called ‘Stage Fright’!” said Scarlet.

            “Rookie, you can do this!” said Gary.

            “Where is Rockhopper?” asked Cadence.

            “He left! He got tired and wanted to go back to his ship!” said Aunt Artic.

            “Now we need to work on Rookie’s stage fright problem!” said Scarlet. “But How?”

They planed that they will let Rookie perform on stage. First was in the Stage in the plaza. Next was performing on front of Puffles and last will be performing for Scarlet and the others. Rookie was hard to train but thank goodness that the due was 4 weeks later. The day came and they all went to the Docks. The stage has changed and they invited lots of penguins. They came to see all the best outfits. They can hear the Penguin Band Boogie from the speakers. First was Lira’s friend Anita. Lots of penguins loved her. Next was Rookie and they weren’t that impressed. It’s not his outfit, it how he represents them. They all faced each other.

            “This is bad!” said Franky.

            “Yeah!” said Scarlet.

            “If Rookie fails, it’s a tie!” said Cadence.

            “Rookie! Do something!” yelled G Billy.

            “Rookie! I know you can do better than that!” yelled Gary.

Rookie felt better with that advice that he tries to represent his clothing. That impressed some penguins. Then they start to judge. Dot was mostly impressed with Anita’s outfit and how Lira was able to let her express her fashion sense. She won by 55%. Rookie loss by 45%. He wasn’t that confident and he can’t represent his clothes.

            “Ha! I win this contest! Now for the last one!” said Lira.

She disappeared and they all went to HQ. They explained everything to Billybob and the Director.

            “This is bad! You can’t afford to lose!” said the Director.

            “You must beat Lira so we can save Club Penguin! October is coming up after 3 weeks!” said Billybob.

            “Sir, Billybob, we are trying our best!” said Scarlet.

            “I know” said the Director.

            “This is critical! You need to hurry and beat her in her own game!” said Billybob.

They both logged off. Everyone left and went back to their igloos.

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