Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: What’s in Scarlet’s mind

Back in Scarlet’s igloo, Scarlet was afraid to sleep because of her dreams. It’s been happening nonstop when she sleeps. Now she dreamt about she losing her friends.

            “You don’t belong here!” said Stompin Bob.

            “What!!!” she said.

            “You are now out!” said Cadence.

            “G, Rookie, Aunt Artic! You must still be my friends’ right?” she asked.

            “The group has spoken!” said Gary.

            “You don’t belong here!” said Rookie.

            “Sorry girl!” said Aunt Artic.

            “Sensei, Rockhopper, G Billy, Petey K?” Scarlet asked.

            “What they said!” they said.

They left her and she was left alone in a dark place.          

            “Nooo!” yelled Scarlet.

She fell of her bed and can see Billybob and Rookie with her.

            “Morning!” said Rookie.

            “Aaaaaah!” yelled Scarlet. “Oh it’s you Rookie and Lane!”

            “Well, since Lira did not call us to go to her, we have time to work on your problems in sleeping!” said Billybob.

They all went to HQ and only Gary was there. Gary place a helmet on her head which can scan brain waves.

            “All you need is to sleep and this helmet will scan your brain sending an image to this screen” said Gary. “Then we can see what’s really happening when you sleep”.

            “Sensei, please play that harmonica” said Billybob.

            “Ok!” said Sensei.

He played a Japanese lullaby and Gary and Rookie placed earplugs so they can’t get to sleep. Scarlet slept and Sensei stopped playing. Gary and Rookie removed the earplugs and watch a video. It was a continuation from last night. They can see her being alone and hurt and Gary can scan dark energy at her brain. Gary can see her glow and struggle. Gary can see that her brain waves were high. He has to wake her up. He can’t electrify her so he called Stompin Bob. He came and he played a loud guitar sound. Scarlet woke up.

            “Thanks Stompin Bob!” said Scarlet.

            “No problem!” said Stompin Bob.

Stompin Bob left while Gary watches the video again and again. He noticed that something was wrong.

            “Scarlet, your dreams aren’t dreams! They are memories!” said Gary. “These are Club Penguin events! But they have been changed to let you think that it’s yours!”

            “How?” asked Scarlet.

            “In this dream, you have been separated from us, but you never were separated from someone except for Reed. Meaning, you are getting memories from someone else!” said Gary. “And you weren’t supposed to get these dreams! You had some dark energy in your brain waves!”

            “So Scarlet is getting memories from…” said Rookie.

            “That’s right! Lira’s!” said Gary.

            “But Lira never experienced any of those!” said Scarlet.

            “Maybe but I have a question for you, who uses that penguin… besides you?” asked Billybob.

            “Well, there is my cousin! It’s also her penguin but she doesn’t use it that much and she gave it to me, even if I created her! So I used her to do the cheat testing!” said Scarlet.

            “So your cousin made her feel that this!” said Gary.

            “So she feels hurt!” said Scarlet.

            “That’s right!” said Rookie. “That can explain everything! She was lonely that she wants us to think that she wants revenge but it’s actually that she wants to have fun!”

            “And kidnapped Scarlet’s friends so she can have someone to spend time with!” said Gary.

They all received a letter from Lira. This is what it said:

To the whole group,

            The next Challenge is at the End of Halloween and it’s only for Scarlet. Open the rooftop because the battle will be in the Skies and she will meet my full power of Card – Jitsu Shadow! You will now meet Shadow Gal!

-         Lira

They were now scared that it’s a challenge Scarlet has to face. Everyone ran in the HQ after they read the letter.

            “Scarlet! You’re still here!” said Cadence.

            “I’m now worried that your next to be challenged!” said Aunt Artic.

            “Yer ready for this next quest?” asked Rockhopper.

            “I’m ready!” said Scarlet. “I’m guessing that I’ll have to battle her!”

            “You need to get her act back together!” said Rookie.

            “What Act?” asked G Billy.

            “Scarlet’s dreams, they were memories of Lira’s past and it’s that Lira is lonely that she made us do her challenges!” said Gary.

            “Allie, you are the only one who can talk to her! Once she is calm, she can remove the Dark energy and we can be able to fix the Tube Transport!” said Billybob.

            “I’ll try!” said Scarlet. “I need to practice the power of Gamma Gal!”

            “Why?” asked Petey K.

            “She is going to be wearing that Shadow Guy suit so I’m guessing that I have fight with the light!” said Scarlet.

            “You’ll have to wear a Gamma Gal suit for that!” said Dot.

            “Scarlet! I wish you luck!” said the Director.

            “Thank you sir!” said Scarlet.

Sensei allowed Scarlet to go to his training room just so she can train her powers.

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