Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Allie’s Independence

            It’s now 10 am, Scarlet woke up peacefully and Billybob was with her.

            “Lane, what are you doing here?” asked Scarlet.

            “I just came to see if you’re ok!” said Billybob. “Anyway, your friends told me that they are never coming back to Club Penguin! It seems that they have exams coming up and they can’t be here long. There are happy that you were able to save their penguins. But they have told me that what you did was very brave and that they wish you luck on your journey home someday”

            “That was nice of them to say that to me!” said Scarlet.

            “Allie, the Dark Energy made a huge damage to the Tube Transport so you’ll have to stay in Club Penguin for a long while so what Reed did that he asked his friend to send some of your things here!” said Billybob. “A box will appear and all of your things will be here! Once the Tube Transport is fix, we will help you carry that box and we will bring it back to Human world along with you”

Then the box came and it was really big.

            “Oh it’s here!” said Billybob. “I guess I’ll have to get back to work! Good Luck!”

Billybob left and Scarlet went to the box. She opened it and saw her Club Penguin books and her video games. She can even see her old things from her childhood days. She now plans to change the gameplay of Club Penguin. So she wore her Gamma Gal Costume and brought out her skateboard, got some of her things placed them in her bag and went to the Ski Hill. As she arrived there, she went on it and went down the Ski Hill in a fast pace. So fast that she has to watch out for penguins.

            “Yahoooooo!” she said.

Rockhopper was walking back to the Migrator till he saw Scarlet going fast. He fell down.

            “Arrgh!” said Rockhopper.

            “Oh Sorry!” said Scarlet.

Rockhoper got confused so he called Gary.

            “Oh Rockhopper!” said Dot. “Gary is busy on the Tube Transport! Anyway, why did you called?”

            “Is a skateboard sold in the Gift Shop?” he asked.

            “No why?” asked Dot.

            “Because young Scarlet here came and blew me off from me feet and went zooming away!” said Rockhopper.

Gary saw Dot with his Spy Phone talking to someone.

            “D, what are you doing?” asked Gary.

            “Oh G! Rockhopper called saying something about Scarlet and a skateboard!” said Dot.

Dot gave Gary’s Spy Phone to him and Gary asked Rockhopper to tell him everything. Rockhopper told him everything and Gary was amazed.

            “Wow! Interesting story!” said Gary “Do you know where she is heading?”

            “Yes! She’s travelling to the Town Centre when I last saw her! She may be going to the Cove!” said Rockhopper.

            “Ok, thanks Rockhopper and sorry for what she did!” said Gary.

            “Ahh! Just let her be! She is just young like Dot!” said Rockhopper.

Rockhopper hanged up and Gary went out of the EPF HQ. He tried to find her. So he went to the Docks. He saw wheel tracks and followed them. It leads to the Mine Shack and in the Mine. Then he saw her going in the Mine Cart Track. Then everything explains it. Scarlet is going Cart Surfer with her Skateboard!

            “Scarlet stop!” yelled Gary.

But it was too late, she went in. So he has to go after her. He got a mine cart and tried to follow her. Along the way, he can hear Scarlet’s cheering.

            “Yahooooo!” she cheered.

            “Scarlet!” said Gary.

He needed to go faster so he got his Jetpack and stuck it to the cart. The Jetpack was on and he went faster.

            “Aaaaaaah!!!” yelled Gary.

He finally caught up to her. He saw Scarlet and got her and her skateboard.

            “Gary! What are you doing?” asked Scarlet.

            “Trying to stop you for doing something dangerous!” said Gary.

            “You’re doing something dangerous too!” said Scarlet. “Curve!”

They saw the curve and they can’t turn the cart. It’s going very fast. So when the cart is going to hit the curve, Gary and Scarlet jumped off and ran as the cart explodes. The mine shack was going to collapse!

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