Chapter 64

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Chapter 64: Allie's full Penguin DNA

So they all arrived in Club Penguin and Reed, Mira, Grace, Sky, Alana and Lane transformed into their penguin forms but it's temporary. They appeared with Herbert, Dot, Jetpack Guy and PH who is still trying to stable the portal. When they appeared, they stopped and sat down with exhaustion.

"You're back!" said PH. "Did you stop Lira?"

"Yes!" said Scarlet. "She became full Link Power and everything went back to normal"

"Except that Allie will be a penguin forever" said Reed.

"What! Why?" asked Herbert.

"I sacrificed my humanity to save the Human World" said Allie.

"Now, I just hate you!" said Reed. "You just did that for Gary!"

"Well, that part is sort of true" said Allie.

"What!" said Gary and Reed.

"You did this... for me?" asked Gary.

"Remember when you had that fight with Rockhopper just to read the map? I looked into your journal and saw that you were fully heartbroken" said Scarlet.

"Well... that means were even then" said Gary. "Before you came to me when it was first of October, I saw your journal and saw that you really miss me"

"Not fair, when I saw your diary before, you got so pissed and slapped me!" said Reed. "Fine, be that way! You'll regret this!"

Then Klutzy the Crab returned from his break to meet his crab family. He pinched Reed and lots of Dark Magic got released.

"Klutzy!" said Herbert.

"I can see why you were working for Lira" said Petty K.

Then Reed fell into the ground and woke up again.

"Reed, are you still mad for me loving Gary than you?" asked Scarlet.

"I don't care anymore" said Reed.

"Wait! My project, you owe me a project!" said Alana.

Scarlet brought out her notes from her backpack and she gave them to Alana.

"Here" said Scarlet. "You must say it in your entire class"

"But, I'm now like expelled due to the fact I left in the middle of class to go here!" said Alana.

"I don't know what to do!" said Allie.

"But I know what will happen!" said Lane. "We save the Entire Human world, I'm sure something will come up!"

"One more thing, what day is it!?" asked Allie.

They looked at their Spy Phone and saw the date.

"We only have 1 hour till October 24!" said PH.

"We need to get out of here!" said Sky.

"What about me?" asked Scarlet.

"Don't worry, you have me!" said Gary. "We shall die together!"

"Ok" said Scarlet.

Lane, Alana, Reed, Sky, Mira and Grace left Club Penguin through the portal. When they arrived on front of the CP building, lots of people were cheering to them.

"What the hell just happened?" asked Reed.

"You save the world!" said the President of Canada. "And we want to thank you! Especially to Allie Dale! Where is she?"

Then Alana's Virtual Communicator blinked and Scarlet appeared.

"Hi sir!" said Scarlet.

"Are you Allie Dale?" asked the Canadian President.

"Yes I am, I sacrifice my Humanity just to save the Human World" said Scarlet. "So, I'm going to die like all the other penguins"

"I see!" said the Canadian President. "As you may know, CP should shut down forever by 5 mins but you better look at your online ratings now!"

So Lane called his receptionist and she saw that all the unused penguins are going back online and new ones are being made by the minute.

"So that means..." said Mira.

"Yes! Club Penguin will be back online!" said Lane.

"And since its now Midnight, Happy 28th anniversary CP!" said the Canadian President.

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