Chapter 44

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Chapter 44: Leaving Club Penguin

            Scarlet is still unconscious and Reed, Gary and Cadence were there. Reed was worrying and feeling guilty. Then, Billybob and Stan’s penguin, Steven arrived. When Stan saw Scarlet, he got angry with Stan.

            “What have you done?!” asked Stan.

            “I asked Scarlet for one last kiss and she accepted then that happened” said Reed.

            “You kissed my fiancé!?” yelled Stan. “You are bad! You could have gave her the Kiss of Death!”

            “I’m sorry!” said Reed.

            “Enough with your sorry! She is mine ok!” said Stan.

            “Whoa! Stop the Fighting!” said Billybob. “Stan, I’m going to let Allie return to her body!”

            “Stan, I’ll now allow you two to get married. Please take care of her!” said Billybob.

            “Ok” said Stan.

            “Gary, prepare the code to the Human world!” said Billybob.

            “Yes sir!” said Gary.

            “Cadence, please go to Scarlet’s igloo and get her things” said Billybob.

            “Ok” said Cadence.

            Cadence left and went to Scarlet’s igloo. When Cadence left, Scarlet woke up.

            “What happened?” asked Scarlet.

            “You fainted after Reed kiss you” said Stan.

            “Oh” said Scarlet. “It’s just that, I don’t get it why after one kiss, I’ll faint”

            “Did you dream anything when you fainted?” asked Billybob.

            “Yes… um… sort of” said Scarlet. “All I did is try to connect the dots of my memories and somehow, I remember EVERYTHING!”

            “What do you mean by everything?” asked Gary.

            “I remember everything after saving the Pizza Parlor. Everything like my arch enemies, the time when I saved Club Penguin and when I was trapped with… Gary” said Scarlet.

            “Well, Cadence is packing all of your stuff so you’ll be going back to your body” said Billybob. “Remember the Deal we had? When you remember everything, you’ll return to your body”

            “Oh!” said Scarlet.

            Cadence returned and Scarlet got her bags. She went to the Tube Transport and Gary used the code. They first launched Scarlet’s bag then Scarlet was next. She first remeoved her clothes and wore her necklace then she went in. She was sucked up in the Tube and saw a portal. She went in and felt like she is being separated from her body. She saw a flash and arrived at The Club Penguin Office. She opened her eyes and she stilled remember everything.

            “Wher… where am I?” asked Allie.

            “You’re back” said Stan.

            “Do you remember anything?” asked Lane.

            “Yes” said Scarlet. “I finally remember about my past!” said Allie.

            Then something glowed at her neck. It was her new necklace with the music note charm on it.

            “Is this the necklace that Gary gave me?” asked Scarlet.

            “Yes” said Lane.

            “Oh” said Scarlet. “How does an inventor makes some good jewellery?”

            “I don’t know, a secret hobby?” said Lane.

            Then something appeared at the desk. Lane got it and remember what it was. He brought it and showed it to Allie.

            “Allie, remember this?” asked Lane.

            “It’s the photo album that I gave to Gary for Christmas” said Allie as she gets the book.

            “Take a look at it” said Lane.

            Allie opened it and saw lots of photos of her time in Club Penguin. It has everything even the times when she was training Gary.

            “This was my past?” said Allie. “I never knew I was having fun there. I also never knew that Gary even likes me!”

            Then her necklace glowed when she hugged the album.

            “What’s going on?” asked Stan.

            “That album is made by her Link Powers” said Lane. “So, what will you do now?”

            “Get married” said Stan. “It’s now we have to do, if Allie still wants to do it”

            “I would” said Allie. “But where will we hold it?”

            “At the Church nearby” said Stan.

            “That’s perfect!” said Allie. “We need to plan everything! The Party and bridesmaids and flowers and all the bookings and other things!”

            “Well, you could do that but aren’t you supposed to ask for a leave?” asked Lane.

            “So can I?” asked Allie.

            “I don’t know…” said Lane. “Do you really have to go through this?”

            “I do!” said Allie. “I really want to get through this! You even accepted our relationship!”

            “Fine!” said Lane. “But you’ll need help”

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