Chapter 74: After the I do's

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Our honeymoon was pure magic. We got to walk along the same streets where we first met and make new memories. We didn't want to come home but life has to still move forward.

When we got back from the honeymoon Finn officially started to work at the plant and I received my license from the state allowing me to officially start work at the hospital. Our shifts were similar where we both worked nights. It worked out that we would have every other weekend off together . I continued to attend classes 4 days a week and Finn would meet me every chance he had so that we could spend time with each other.

Logan proposed to Ashley on their anniversary and of course she said yes, but told him she needed at least a year to plan their wedding. He happily agreed and I of course offered to do what ever I could to help them.

Shay and Keith ended up moving into their own apartment. We still see them every weekend but now they have their own privacy. Shay took a job at a local attorneys office and is still doing classes in the afternoons. We try and do our late night ice cream runs at least once a week to whether it is me bringing it to her or her stopping by the emergency room with a half gallon to share.

Finn and I started to look for places and happily leased a condo that has all of the benefits of a house but still allows us the ability to leave when we needed to should our job situation change after I finish school. The condo is close to the old house, so close we can actually wave to each other from the back yards.

We have our issues and have had many first fights but have a hell of time making up.

Frankie was able to make a case against Tony and Pat. They are now on trial for Thomas's murder. Finn and I were both relieved to hear that news. It was our info that helped lead them on the right path. Thomas's family was able to get the closure they needed.

I couldn't ask for anything more. My life is finally fulfilled . I wake up every morning next to my best friend and go to sleep wrapped in his arms. I only wish everyone could experience a love like ours.

We put off having kids until I was fully out of school and in a more steady job. We welcomed our son Thomas two years after we said our wedding vows. He brought us so much joy and we thought we were complete until we welcomed our daughter Emma Rose a year later. We finally put money down on our first house. Our parents offered to help but we wanted to do it on our own.

Ashley and Logan followed after us. They had their daughter Callie a year after we had our son. He was their honeymoon surprise that they took home.

We are still very close with our families and get together at least once a month and stay in touch with weekly phone calls. Finn is still my everything and I am still his. We are thankful for every day that we have each other and make sure to live every day like it is our last.

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