Chapter Sixty Nine: Overthinking

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That was the longest test of my life, but it let me keep going so that had to be a good sign right? I think as I walk back to my car.

  Once inside my car I check my phone and see at least ten text from Finn telling me how great I am going to do and how proud he is of me. I look at the time and I know he is already in his training class so I opt not to reply just in case he forgot to turn his phone off. He tends to do that.

As I head onto the expressway I decide to stop by the hospital to talk to Dr. Jennings and Nurse Helen to make sure they still want me. I also want to let them know I just took the state licensing exam. I am one more step closer to being a real nurse.

My stomach kind of flips when I pull into the hospital parking lot. Its been a little over a month since I was last here. I walk in the familiar automatic doors.

"Riley! You look wonderful hon. Do you have your start date yet?" Jackie smiles from her front desk. " Not just yet, but closer. I just finished my state exam like twenty minutes ago." I smile leaning against the desk.

"How exciting! I am glad you got the offer. I heard Chris is going to be joining Dr. Williams and Lindsey's team." She nods at me. " She told me that. I am excited we both got offers here. It will be nice to have her to work with." I admit. Chris was the only real friend I could count on in the whole nursing program.

Jackie's phone stars to ring so she waves me through." Go on back. I know they will be happy to see you." She smiles as she answers the phone while opening the automatic doors for me. I wave and walk ahead.

   It's not too busy but there is a definite buzz in the air. I miss it and I can't wait to be a part of this world again. I think as I make my way around the emergency department. A couple of the nurses that worked with me wave at me as they pass by with patients.

"Riley! How are you sweetie?" Helen  greets me when as I walk towards the nurses station.

"Good I just wanted to stop in make sure I am still coming here." I laugh nervously. " Oh, you don't need to worry about that. Jennings and Carol wanted you for their team." She smiles. "Speaking of which." She nods at Carol.

"Quinn good to see you hon." Carol smiles handing a file to Helen. "Are you excited to be joining us? Just think in a few short weeks you will be right here in the mix with all of the glamour of scrubs." She smiles.

"Yes! Very excited. I just took my state test today. I should have the results in a month they said." I nod feeling a bit better about the fact that she confirmed I am still wanted.

"That is great. I don't doubt you passing. Dr. Jennings and I were quite proud of you when we saw your ranking in the program. " She nods at Helen. " I know she was among the top for the course." She smiles.

My cheeks start to turn pink. It's strange everyone knowing my score. I am happy that they were good but also lets me know that they were spoken about.

"Quinn, don't tell me you are ready to start tonight?" Dr. Jennings smiles as he approaches.

"Um not yet, almost. I took my state exam today. I should know in a month they said." I explain.

"Great! Carol and I can't wait for you to join us. Congratulations on your scores by the way and getting into the Bachelor program." He says looking down at the phone in his hand. "Well we are up Carol. Incoming trauma. See you soon. I want you to call me the moment you get your score." He waves as him and Carol rush off.

" You are part of the team, now go and enjoy your freedom. Pretty soon you won't have any free time." Helen waves at me as I head out of the hospital.

"Bye Jackie." I whisper at her seeing her nod and wave at me as she answered the phone.

As I walk to my car I start to feel better, knowing that they still want me. I don't know why I needed the reassurance but I did and probably will again until I have officially signed the employment paper work.

     I check my phone and see that I have no responses from anyone. I had texted Ashley earlier but she had to work at her internship today and Shay is at her new job.
I make my way to a corner cafe near the hospital. I figure I need to eat since I didn't get a chance to eat today due to my nerves.
The cafe is busy but the hostess seats me quickly since it's just me. She puts me in a small corner two person booth. I order soup and a sandwich. I open my kindle app and start to read my book while I wait for my food.
"Uh hey Riley." I look up to see Jackson from the coffee house standing there nervously staring at me.
"Hi." I smile putting my phone down.
"I haven't seen you at the coffee house in a while. How have you been?"
"Yeah I just finished a marathon of classes to get my associates in nursing. Plus I have my wedding coming up." I smile showing my ring.

"Ah I had heard that you were engaged. That's great about your nursing degree too." He gives me a slight smile. "We miss you on Sunday nights. It's not the same without you." He sighs.
"I miss it too." I admit as the waitress puts my food in front of me.
"Well I will let you enjoy your lunch." He says looking me over again before rejoining his of friends. They look over at me before going back to their conversations.

I haven't been to the coffee house really since before Spring. Here it is August. I miss how simple it was to just sit on the small coffee house steps and sing. I'll get back there again. Once I get past everything. I feel like I say that a lot. After I get through this after I finish that.
My phone buzzing brings me out of my thoughts.
"Hey." I smile as I answer the phone. "How did your day go, love?" Finn's voice asks when I answer.
"Better now.How is your day going?"
"I am actually getting ready to pull out of the parking lot and head home now."
"I'm at a cafe by the hospital. Do you want me to pick up some lunch for you before I meet you back at the house?" I ask stirring my tea.
"Actually I am meeting a buddy at the gym." He sighs.
"Oh, okay." I can't help but feel disappointed.
"Do you want to meet us up there?" He asks sensing my disappointment.
"No, you go and have fun. I think I might do a little retail therapy." I try and sound happier. I don't want to be that fiancé , the one that doesn't have a life outside her relationship.
  "Are you sure, love?" He asks again.
"Yes, I'm positive. I am enjoying my lunch. Just remember your getting married in two weeks so don't let anyone hit you in the face." I tease.
   "I know , no contact above the neck. I love you. I'll call you when I am on my way home." His voice is gentler as he says the words.
   " I love you too." I smile as we hang up.

    I finish eating my lunch and then decide to head back to the house. I didn't realize how tired I was until after I was full. I have been so nervous about the test today sleep has pretty much been limited.
      I am surprised to find an empty house when I get back home. No one. I take full advantage of the quiet house and head up to our room. I crawl into bed and am asleep with in minutes of my head hitting the pillow.

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