Chapter Sixty One: Together ::Adult Content::

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"Riley?" Finn's voice echos in the dark bedroom. " Yes, Finn I'm here." I whisper rubbing his back as his head lays on my lap. "I'm sorry." He says softly. "You have no reason to be sorry." I say looking down at him.

His face looks so troubled. I wish I knew what he was thinking. I hate not being able to help him.

"Christopher arranged for our flight tomorrow." I say softly as I watch his body tense up when he hears the news.

"I don't know if I can go." He pulls away from me and sits up. " What ever you want to do. I just don't want you to regret not going."

"It would have been me. If I would have been there it would have been me." He repeats.

"You weren't there. You can't blame yourself for someone else's choices." I know that wasn't the right thing to say but what is the right thing to say?

  "Finn please don't shut me out."
"I'm not shutting you out, love. I just don't know what to feel right now. He was my Ashley. We grew up together. I just spoke to him last month. He told me he was done with the fights. I invited him to the wedding, and now he's dead. That's it." He stands up and starts to pace the floor.

   "I'm sorry." Is all I can manage to say. This is breaking my heart. He is the one that is always so positive, always knows the right thing to say.

  "Are you hungry? Do you want some water? I have aspirin." I offer as he continues to walk the room.

  "I'm okay , love." He sighs sitting down next me. "I don't know what to say." I admit.
  "You don't need to say anything. You being here says enough, love."
  "Did you undress me?" He smiles at me.
"Yes, that was not easy." I lean into him.
  "You're going with me tomorrow right?"
  "Yes, Logan has already agreed to take us to the airport. I started to pack for you but I wasn't sure what you wanted to bring. The flight is early. We have to be there to check in by seven. Your mom has arranged a car to pick us up. I didn't know if you wanted to stay at a hotel or if you wanted to stay with your parents so I have a reservation held for us at a hotel near by just in case." 

  "How long was I out? "He smiles.
"A few hours. You know I'm a planner." I point out to him.

  "Right." He smiles. " I'm sorry I lost it for a minute." He looks ashamed as the words come out.
"Your grieving for your friend. I would be worried if you didn't break down. Please don't ever be sorry for showing your feelings." I take his hand into mine.

" I need to run to my dorm for clothes." I say as I stand up.
  "I can take you." He says standing up with me.
"Uh yeah you can come with me, but I'm driving. You had a lot and I do mean a lot to drink."
  "Okay you drive but I will come with you." He smiles pulling on a pair of jeans.
   "Your car." I smile. "Our car." He smiles pulling a shirt over his head.
  "Ours, I like that." I smile walking out of the room.
   "He's awake." Logan smiles as he eats a piece of pizza.
  " Riley I found your shoes." Sebastian smiles.
  "Thanks." I laugh slipping on flip flops.

   Finn hands me his car keys and we head to my dorm.
  " When we get back from New York we are getting a place. No more of this back and forth." I have to laugh at how serious he is.

   "Unless you don't want to?" He looks at me.
" Of course I want to. I just think you are cute." I smile as he puts his hand on my knee.
  "You are kind of cute too, love." He grins as I park the car.

  "We are going to get through this together." I say as I take the keys out of the ignition.

  "I couldn't do it any other way, love." He lets out a breath before getting out of the car.

  "I am not going anywhere." I grab his hand and lead him into the dorms.

   "You can come in. Shays at the house with Keith." I smile.
   "Aye she has been staying over a bit." He nods walking in behind me.

    I grab my suitcase and throw it on the bed. In less than ten minutes I have two black dresses, two pairs of shoes, pjs and a couple outfits for just in case along with panties and bras packed. I throw my make up bag in and add a brush before zipping it up.

  " I think I am getting a little too good at packing." I say as he grabs it off the bed.
   "Unzip me please." I say holding my hair up.
  I change out of the navy dress into a pair of pjs shorts and a loose shirt.

   " So much better." I smile picking my dress up and putting it in my laundry pile.

   "I love the blue dress, but definitely like those shorts better, love." He smiles smacking my ass as we leave the room.

    "Owe!" I giggle. " You just wait paybacks are a bitch." I grin as we walk to his car.

  " I can't wait." He grins chasing me to his car.
  "I don't know what I would do without you Riley." His tone turns serious when he finally catches me.
   "Good thing I'm not going anywhere." I say leaning in to kiss him.
   "Tequila." I scrunch my nose.
  " I wanted to be numb." He says looking down ashamed. " Fireball does it for me." I admit starting the car. " Yea?"He  looks up at me.
  "Yes." I say squeezing his hand.

  By the time we get back to the house everyone is asleep. Finn carries my bag up to his room and I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Finn soon joins me.
"Where ever we choose to live having two sinks would be good." I smile rinsing my tooth brush.
  "Deal." He says turning the water off.
   "I love you." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.
   "I love you." He says as he leans down and kisses me. "Much better" I tease him. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "You are going to drop me." I giggle as he runs me across the hall and throws me on the bed.
  He closes the bedroom door and locks it before returning to the bed.
   "We now have to be up in four hours." I sigh setting the alarm on my phone.
  "Three hours of sleep is plenty of time." He grins.
   "Did we lose an hour?" I giggle as he starts to take his clothes off.
   "It all depends on you." He smiles taking his pants off.
   "I can run on three hours of sleep." I smile lifting my shirt over my head.
  "You sure?" He asks crawling into bed with me. I don't answer with words I simply lean over and kiss him while my hand moves down to his boxers. He is already rock hard.
  "I love you." He whispers against my lips. He pulls away from me and takes my panties off. His circles my clit with his tongue as his finger finds its way inside me."Fuck Finn!" I moan. That's all it takes he brings his mouth back up to mine he pulls off his boxers. I can feel his close to entering me but he holds back. "Fuck Finn don't tease!" I grown locking my legs around him. He enters me with a deep thrust going deeper and harder with each move. He grinds his hips against mine. My back arches and my legs start to shake. It doesn't take long for us both to go over the edge. He collapses next to me both us try to catch our breath.
  "I love you." I smile turning to him.
"I love you Riley." He leans over and kiss me.
  I throw my shirt and shorts back on before heading to the bathroom.
   When I come back Finn is sound asleep.
I crawl into bed and he automatically wraps his arms around me.

Luck of the heartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz