Chapter Fifty Two: Friendly face

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" I heard you had a hell of a night, love." Finn's dimples greet me as I open my eyes.

" Hi." I say feeling tears build in my eyes.
"No tears, love." He smiles bringing me into his lap.
" I missed you so much." I continue to let the tears falls. " I'm sorry, love. I tried to get back as soon as I could." He lets out a heavy sigh as he wraps his arms around me.

" Let me see your lip." He says bringing my head up to his face. "It's not too bad."I sigh.
"The picture Ashley sent me broke my heart, love." His eyes lock on mine.

"What picture?"
He grabs his phone and pulls up a picture of me from last night. I look like a fucking wreck.

"She's like a ninja with a camera. You never see her coming." I cringe looking at the picture.

"When I saw it I couldn't get home to you fast enough."

" I missed you, love." He leans down and kisses me. " I missed you." The tears continue to fall.

" Please stop crying, love. I thought you would be happy." He sighs wiping away my tears.

" I am, God am I. It was just such a horrible night and I haven't seen you since Monday." I feel ridiculous that I am still crying. It has to be the lack of sleep.

" How did it go?" I finally ask sitting up. " It went good. They obviously liked me since they had me stay on another day to meet with other managers. They feel confident and will most likely make an offer before next Friday." He smiles.

I feel sick. I know this is so good for him and he has worked hard to get this interview, but I can't help but hope that he doesn't get the job.

"That's great." I smile. He goes on to tell me about the perks and how the office is right in downtown Chicago. That we could find a house near Brooke and Christopher. He has this all planned out I think to myself. He didn't ask me anything. I still have to take my state exam which I will have to take again if we go to Chicago. I tune him out as I watch him smile and tell me all about what he did and how cool of a city it is.

" Finn can we talk?" I say finally sick of hearing myself think. "Yeah, love." He smiles sitting down.

"I want to be honest. I promised to be honest and talk to you about everything. I am so proud of you I truly am. The thought of moving to Chicago, scares the hell out of me." I admit.

" Nothing is decided, love. We still have the wedding and you need to finish your studies. I went there for a possibility. If they do offer me a job I would like you to come with me so you can see for yourself before anything is decided." A grin spreads across his face.

" Why are you smiling at me like that?"

" I missed you, love." He wraps his arms around me and covers my lips with his. I close my eyes feeling that calming feeling I get from his touch.

" What time is it?" I ask when his lips pull from mine. " Noon." He smiles.

"Fuck." I groan. " I was supposed to meet Shay and Ash for wedding shit." I stand up to grab my phone.

" Ashley is handling it. She knew you were exhausted and that we would want to spend some time together." He pulls me back into his lap. "She's picking the flowers?and meeting with the Dj? The photographer?" I look at him.

"Ashley is meeting with the photographer, and she is getting pictures of flowers that she will show you later for you to decide. Logan and Sebastian are meeting with the dj. Which leaves me time with you, love." He grins.

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