Chapter Sixty Seven: New York

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   " I am glad we didn't go out last night." I say walking into the bathroom behind Ashley carrying my makeup bag. " Well it's still happening just next weekend instead." She smiles at me in the mirror while she adds mascara to her long lashes. "We really don't have to." I say opening my makeup bag.

"Yes we do! It is a must when you get married you have to do a bachelorette party. It is happening next weekend. We have it handled." She shuts me down just like that. "Okay." I shrug giving in.

   " I want to throw up." She frowns holding her stomach. "It will be fine. We will go have dinner with the family do the introductions and then come back here and drink until we can't walk straight." I smile as I start to do my make up.

  " I hate New York already." She wrinkles her nose as she takes a seat on the toilet. " I know. I am not the biggest fan either, but it isn't so bad." I manage to smile.

" So are you sure this dress is okay?" She says standing up to show me again. " Yes, the blue makes your blue eyes pop and it's cute. Sweet even." I smile looking at the spaghetti strap summer dress I helped her pick out.

  "Should I leave my hair up or down?" I ask holding it up. "Here take a seat." She smiles starting to working on my hair while I continue to do my makeup.

  When she is finished I am happy with the soft waterfall braid that lets my straightened hair flow down my shoulders. Very romantic looking.

"Love it." I smile hugging her. " Now me. Up or down?" She asks showing me both ways. " How about half way up and the rest down?" I suggest as I add my last coat of mascara onto my lashes.

  I take final look at myself in the mirror. I chose an emerald green summer dress that helps bring out the green in my hazel eyes. I am glad I finally got some sun over the last week. I was looking a little transparent there for a minute.

  "Are you ready?" I ask looking at her worried face. " Yes." She says shaking her head no.

" If you need me just say our word." I smile squeezing her hand. "Strawberry." She frowns looking at me.  "Oh Ash I promise it will be okay." I hug her. " Okay. I can do this." She continues to talk herself into leaving the bathroom.

" The wait was worth it." Finn smiles as he gets up from the bed. " You ladies look beautiful." Finn leans down to kiss me.

"You really do look beautiful." Logan smiles pulling Ashley to him. " My parents will love you." He smiles kissing her.

" The town car is waiting." Finn says ushering outside the hotel suite. The four of us climb into the black suburban and head to Finn's parents restaurant.

  "Riley you look beautiful." George greets us as we enter the restaurant. " Finn you are one lucky man." He smiles. " Logan it's been too long." He says shaking his hand. " This is Ashley my girlfriend." Logan proudly introduces her. "Ashley very lovely to meet you." He smiles taking her hand.

  " Your party is already here." He smiles leading us to a back room.

"Finally!" Daniel smiles standing up from his chair. " Riley." He smiles opening his arms wide. " Daniel." I grin as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Finn sweet heart." His mom hugs him as he leans down. "Finn." His dad pats his arm.

" Aunt Marie, Uncle Pat." Finn smiles hugging his aunt and shaking his uncles hand. "This is Riley." He smiles proudly introducing me.

  "Very lovely to meet you dear. Millie has told us so much about you." She smiles warmly at me. " She is beautiful Finn. You are a lucky man." His uncle smiles shaking my hand.

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