Chapter Fifty Three: That happend

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   "Hey there." I open my eyes to see Dr. Jennings standing over me.
  "Your fiancé brought you in. He said you thought you had food poisoning."
  "I have been having sharp pains that started around my belly button but are now over here."
I show him.
  "Okay what would you check if your patient came in complaining of these type of pains?" He looks at me for the answer.
  "Appendicitis?" I guess.
"Right." He nods looking at Sarah a girl from my nursing program.
    "Your lip looks better today. You held your own last night. Williams was even impressed. We both know how rare that is." He winks at me.
   "Finn come on back." He stands waving him over.
   "I was just telling your fiancé how impressed we were with her last night. She was right in the mix with all of us. "
   "Is she okay?" He looks at Dr. Jennings.
"Well she just diagnosed herself and she is right. Appendicitis. We are going to get her prepped for surgery. She will have to stay over night but she should be able to go home by tomorrow afternoon." He explains to Finn.

  "Quinn if you missed us all you had to do was stop in." He smiles. "I am going to have Lindsey, nope maybe not Lindsey. Let's go with Carol." He says when he sees my face. "I will have her come get you ready and we will bring you up okay?"

"Does it have to be now?" I ask already knowing the answer.
  "We want to get it before it actually ruptures. As you learned it will be a small incision here and here." He shows me.
  "Carol is going to get a little more info from you like your medical history and that so we can get you cleared for surgery. I will be doing it. You know how good I am." He smiles.

   "Thank you." I say laying my head back on the bed.
   "Fuck." I mumble when he leaves the room.
"You okay, love?" Finn says walking over to me.
   "I can't fucking believe this. Appendicitis? Really?" I feel the tears start to fall.
   "I need to call my ma." He hands me his phone while he brushes my hair out of my face.

   "Hey ma, yeah it's Finn's phone. So we are in the emergency room. I'm okay Finn's okay , but I have to have my appendix out." I start to cry again.
  "Yes the doctor is very good. I will have Finn call you when I am done. Okay I love you guys too." I manage to say between the tears.

  "Oh sweetie. It's going to be okay." Carol says when she sees me.
  "It's a very dimple procedure and Jennings is a pro. I'm going to assist and you know I'm good." She smiles rubbing my arm.
  "I will need you to drink this. Well you know the routine." She says handing me the little cup filled with the most disgusting bitter stuff I have tasted.

  "Okay now the boring part. Medical history. Surgeries?" She asks.
    "Tonsils when I was twelve and in December I was in a car accident. They had to stop internal bleeding." I say trying to remember.
   "Pregnancies?" She asks and my stomach drops.
   "We lost our son in the car accident." I say looking at Finn who grabs my hand.
   "You know what I will just request your records. Here sign here and I will have them send it over." She gives me a sympathetic smile. 
   "In the mean time I am going to give you some fluids. Relax its going to be fine. "She inserts an i.v before leaving the room.
"Are you okay, love?"
"No. I don't have time for this." I sob.
" I'm so sorry, love."
"Why does my body hate me?" I continue to cry. I am a freaking emotional wreck. Poor Finn looks so helpless.
"Here to take you upstairs." Jason Johns yes that Jason comes into my room.
"Oh fucking lovely." I groan.
   "What's wrong, love?" Finn watches him as he walks towards my bed.
    " Finn this is Jason." I frown.
"Oh the gobshite who kissed you." Finn growls.
Jason's face flashes with pure panic when he sees Finn. He doesn't make eye contact with either one of us. Someone isn't so cocky when they are confronted. I think as I watch him stand awkwardly at the doorway.
   "Hey man sorry about that, I uh miss read the situation."Jason mumbles.
   "Okay Quinn are you ready?" Carol asks walking in with my chart.
  "Carol is there someone else that can take me?" I plead. "Uh I can ask." She looks at me and Finn as she backs out of the room.
   " You miss read the situation? I am marrying this man in 10 weeks. I love him! I would not throw that away for a piss ant like you." I snap.
   "It's okay, love. Don't let him upset you." Finn tries to calm me down, but the I can't help but want to punch him again. I think the pain I am in is making it worse.
   "Jason is the only one available hon." Carol
Sighs walking back in the room.
"Jason you will treat my fiancé with respect you will not touch her or miss read any more situations. Do you understand me?"
  He nods at Finn and looks at Carol.
"He will. I will make sure of it. No funny business with our Quinn." Carol pats Finn's shoulder.
   "You can walk with us and I will show you the waiting room once we get upstairs." Carol tells Finn.
  The three of us head upstairs in one of the most awkward elevator rides ever. Finn holds my hand as Carol tries to make small talk. Jason stands in silence staring at the floor.
     I am wheeled back to pre op and Finn is able to stay with me until they take me back.
  "You are in good hands." Carol says as I close my eyes.

   "Hi, love." Finn smiles when I open my eyes.
"Everything went great. I will give you two a minute." Carol smiles leaving the room.

  "I called your mom and told her everything went well. I also texted Ashley." He smiles running my hand.
  "I love you." I manage to say. My throat feels like sandpaper and my mouth is extremely dry.
   "I love you too, now get some rest, love." He says as he kisses my forehead.

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