Chapter Forty Four: Memories

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   "You made it!" My mom smiles standing up to greet us. " Look at you!" I start to cry as I walk over to her.

"Finn you too." My mom smiles hugging us both. "You look thin. Doesn't she look thin?" My mom says looking me over. " Let me see this ring. Oh is that ever beautiful. It is perfect for you." She smiles hugging us again.

" How was your flight? Are you hungry?" She asks as I help her sit down.

" I could eat. I was too nervous to eat before we left." I say walking to the kitchen. "Finn are you hungry?" I turn to ask but end up running right into him. " Sorry." I smile taking him in the kitchen.

  "Banana bread." I smile handing Finn a slice and grabbing myself one.

" You have been here barely five minutes and you are already eating?" Shane smirks from the doorway.

"Give me a hug and keep that mouth of your shut." I laugh as he walks over to me.

" So you really did it?" He asks Finn looking at my ring. " Yes, you will be related to me soon." Finn laughs.

" Where is Jacob?" I ask between bites.  " He had to visit Tori's family." Shane sighs.

" Still in the picture then?" I say disappointed. " For now." Caleb shrugs from the doorway.

" How was your visit?" Caleb asks. " A little rocky at first. This guy failed to tell them we were engaged and then just announces it when we get there. The look on their faces." I shake my head.

"It got better. When we left they hugged her before they hugged me. That was the whole entire O'Brian clan." He smirks.

" God I missed you guys." I say looking at my brothers. "What are we doing tonight?" Shane asks joining us at the kitchen table.

" You should all go out. Have fun. I have the nurse coming tonight so I will be in good hands."

"Don't over do it Ma." Caleb warns.

" You are doing great ma. I am so happy to see you look like yourself again." I smile helping her walk back into the living room.

"What about you? Bug you lost more weight and you look exhausted." She frowns.

" I was over doing it a bit but the new semester will be a lighter class load." I nod. " Do I look like complete shit?" I ask as she sits down.

"You are always beautiful, bug but you are too thin. I want you to go out with your brothers tonight and enjoy yourself. Let your hair down." She smiles. "Really let your hair down, and brush it." She laughs.

" You are terrible." I giggle.

" What's so funny?" Shane asks as him the guys walk back into the living room.

"Apparently I am too thin and my hair is awful." I laugh. " I love coming home and feeling good about myself."

" Take her out. Do what ever you have to do to make her have fun. She needs this." My mom tells the boys.

" You heard your Ma, go get ready." Finn smiles pointing to the stairs.

" Alright!" I say giving up and going upstairs.

  I straighten my hair and do my make up. I try to find something that fits that won't attract attention to me losing weight. I find a pair of skinny jeans and an old emerald green top that I haven't seen in ages.  I slip on my ballet flats and make my way down stairs.

"Better?" I ask my mom. "Yes, much." She smiles. " Now go have fun." She smiles kicking us out of the house.

" Hi Evelyn she is ready for you." Caleb says letting the nurse in.

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