Chapter Sixty Two: Clover

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The car service Finn's parents ordered drops us off at their home.
  "Hi sweetie." His mom hugs him the moment we walk in the door. "Hi ma." He says putting down the suitcases.
  "Hi lovely girl." She smiles grabbing me next.
"I'm going to take the bags upstairs." Finn says grabbing the suitcases.
   "How is he doing?" She asks the moment he is out of ear shot. "He's taking it pretty hard, but we will get him through this." I smile as she grabs my hand. "Yes we will." She says wiping her eyes.
   "The viewing is at eleven.You should start to get ready now." She turns away from Finn as he walks down the stairs.
  "Hey uh I think we should probably start to get ready." I say grabbing his arm and walking him back up stairs.
  "Riley!" Emily smiles when she walks in the house. "Hey!" I smile hugging her.
  "No love for me?" Finn pouts.
"Well of course." She smiles hugging him.
  "Em you need to start to get ready."
Finn's mom calls from the kitchen.

"Yes ma I am." She rolls her eyes walking up stairs.
  "Come on I need help getting dressed." I squeeze his hand leading him upstairs.
"I am better at undressing you, love." He winks.
    "I know today is going to be hard for you. If at any point it gets too much and you need out we should have a code word." I say unzipping my suitcase.
   "A code word, love?" He can't help but laugh.
"Ashley and I have always had a code word if things get to be too much and we need rescued. I can't tell you what that is , but I think we should have our own." I say trying to not sound crazy. 
   "Okay what should our code be, love?" He smiles pulling me into a hug.
   "Clover."I say grabbing my necklace.
"Okay. Clover it is." He sighs pulling away from me to get his clothes out of his bag.
   I pull out my black dress and take out my shoes.
   I do my make up and make sure that I use the waterproof versions of everything. This shit better not go anywhere.
   Finn's dressed and sits on his bed watching me get ready. I throw my hair into a braid.
    He helps me get into my dress. "You look beautiful, love." He smiles zipping my dress up.
  "You look handsome." I try giving him a smile.
    "Clover." I remind him as I step into my heels.
    "Clover." He nods as we prepare to walk downstairs.
   We meet Finn's family downstairs. His mom is dressed in a classic Chanel black dress with pearls. His dad is dressed in a black suit and Emily is in a black dress. We are definitely going to a funeral.
   A car service picks us up in two separate sedans. Finn and I ride together. I haven't let go of his hand since we left his bedroom.
  "I love you." I whisper to him.
"I love you too." He kisses my head.

   The funeral home is parking lot is full. There are at least thirty people just standing out in front of the funeral home.
   "This is going to be a bit intense, love. You may hear some things about me that you don't know." He frowns. "Finn I love you I am here to support you." I squeeze his hand.
We join his family and walk towards the front entrance.
"Finn I am so glad you made it."A tiny woman hugs him the moment she sees him. She starts to shake from crying so hard.
"I'm so sorry Mary." He sighs hugging her.
"Millie." She sighs releasing Finn and hugging Finn's mom.
"Mary we are so sorry for your loss. We are here if you need anything." Finn's mom says wiping her eyes with a tissue.
"Thank you." She smiles as she excuses herself to greet a new group of people.

Finn grabs my hand again and we move forward inside the funeral home.
"Shit O'Brian actually made it." A tall muscular guy smiles as Finn walks up.
"Pat." Finn nods as we approach him.
"Damn shame about Tom." Pat frowns.
"Aye we will need to talk later." Finn gives him a look that makes Pat's smile fade. It's fear that is now on his face. He is afraid of Finn I realize.
"Yeah." He nods as Finn leads me away.
Finn is greeted by nearly every person we walk by. I follow him and hold his hand as he leads me.
"Finn, I heard you were here." A very pretty blond smiles as Finn walks up.
"Reese." He sighs giving her a hug. "Im sorry hon." He says when they pull apart.
"This is my fiancé Riley. Riley this is Thomas's sister." He introduces us.
"I'm sorry for your loss." I offer the official funeral greeting.
"Thank you." She smiles sweetly.
"John would love to see you." She says telling Finn to stay put. She comes back with a tall handsome dark haired man.
"Finn, thanks for coming man." He says shaking Finn's hand. Reese hooks her arm around his and that's when I see the wedding rings. They must be married.
"John this is my fiancé Riley. Riley this is Reese's husband John. We grew up together." He smiles patting his back.
"Riley, very nice to meet you." He smiles.
"She seems too nice for you." John teases Finn.
"I'm lucky to have her that's for sure." Finn says proudly.
"We need to find ma. She's a mess." Reese frowns. "We have to get together before you leave." John says as he follows behind Reese.
"How are you, love?" He turns to me.
"I am here for you. How are you?" I ask looking up to him. "I couldn't do this without you." He sighs as we move forward into the funeral home. We finally make it into the room where is childhood friend is.
We wait our turn as mourners take turns paying their respects. I'm not fully prepared when we walk up to the casket. He is so young. I mean he is our age but he looks so young. He was handsome. Blond hair like Reese.
"Clover." Finn whispers as we walk away from the casket. I lead him through the packed funeral home and take him out to the parking lot.
He grabs me and holds me. We don't say a word.
"Thanks, love." He says softly. "Thank you for letting me be here for you." Sigh laying my head on his shoulder.
"That can't be Finn, can it?" A group of guys walk towards us.
"Shit it is." One of the other guys says as Finn grins when they approach. "Fuckers." Finn grins greeting the group of guys.
"Riley this is Mark, James, Frankie, Tim and Rob." Finn says pointing to each guy.
"Guys this is my fiancé Riley." He proudly introduces me.

"No shit? Never thought you would be tied down." Tim the smaller of the guys grins as Finn gives him a dirty look.
"Mind your manors." Finn warns.
"Nice to meet you Riley." James shakes my hand.
"You too." I offer a smile.
"She's too pretty for you Finn." Mark laughs.
"You sure you want to marry him?" Frankie asks me.
"Of course." I smile grabbing Finn's hand.
"Shame about Thomas." Rob nods at Finn.
"What the fuck happened?" Finn's mood changes.
"Pat introduced him to some people who talked him into getting with some other people in the city. We told him not to." Tim shakes his head.
"That could have been any one of us."
Finn lets go of my hand and clenches his fists.
"It's going to be taken care of Finn." Frankie gives Finn a look. I am uncomfortable with that look. Finn isn't though. In fact Finn almost seems pleased with it.
"We are getting together with the group tonight. You should come."Rob suggests to Finn.
"Maybe , text me a location." Finn grabs my hand back.
"We should probably get back inside." Finn nods at the guys before pulling me behind him.

Finn talks to more people as we make our way back inside. We can't make it two feet without someone else stopping him. A lot of them are girls. Each one gives me the same why is he doing with her look. They are lucky we are at a funeral home. I think each time it happens. My face is having a hard time not showing my emotions though I can feel my cheeks burn as yet another girl glares at me.
"You okay,love?" Finn raises an eyebrow.
"Yep." I answer quickly. "You do know you are turning red?" He sighs.
"I promise it's nothing." I squeeze his hand.
I start to feel calm.

"We should probably find my ma and da." He sighs as we walk around.
Finn is takes his time paying his respects to his childhood friends family. Each one treats Finn as if he was apart of their family. I find myself tearing up as some of them break down when they see him.
There are picture boards lining the room that show Finn and Thomas together. They show the Finn I remember as a kid being a kid.
"The cars out front, love." Finn grabs my attention as we follow his parents to the town cars.

"I love you." I say once we are in the car.
"I love you too." He says looking out the window.
"Do you want to get some fireball?" I ask as we are driven back to Finn's parents home.

"Maybe later." He wraps his arm around me.

Finn walks straight upstairs to his room when we arrive at his parents house. His mom and dad take Emily to eat. I decline and follow Finn upstairs.
He's already changed by the time I join him in the bedroom.
I don't have to ask he starts to unzip my dress for me. I hang up my dress and slip into a pair of shorts and a tank top.
"You should eat. I can see what your parents have, or I can see about having something delivered?" I offer taking a seat next to him on the bed.
    "Do you want to go for a walk?" He asks opening his bedroom door.
    "Sure." I shrug grabbing my phone.

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