Chapter Forty One: A promise of Love ::Adult Content::

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I fix my hair and finish applying my makeup. I haven't dressed up in months. My wardrobe has been scrubs or yoga pants. Not tonight though. I bought a new black dress that hugs me in all of the right places. I slip on my heels and do a last minute mirror check.
Finn should be here any minute. I feel excited and nervous as I wait for him.
I hear him knock and my heart starts to beat faster.
"Wow." He smiles when I open the door.

He looks so good. Dark jeans a black sweater and his black boots. He is wearing the wool peacoat I bought him .
"Yeah?" I ask feeling anxious.
"Yes. God yes." He blushes.
"You do too." I smirk grabbing my black coat.

"Where are we going? " I ask as he escorts me to his car and opens the door for me to get in.
"No hints, love." He smiles getting in the car.

I think back to the end of August when I turned around at the club to see him there smiling at me. That smug grin on his face.
"What are you thinking, love?" He smiles putting his hand on my leg.

"The first night at the club when I turned around to see you. You were so cocky." I giggle.
"Aye yes and you could not have been less interested. The way you looked at me. You were beautiful in that fancy black dress. I was waiting for you to laugh in my face." He smiles.

"Oh I was interested." I blush.
"We're here." He smiles pulling up to the coffee house.
"The coffee house?" I look at him confused.
"Do you trust me, love?"
"With my life." I smile.
I follow him to the coffee house and see the closed sign.
   "Hello doll." Alice smiles opening the door for us.
   As I walk in I see candles every where and one table with two place settings.

   "Wow." I say stunned by how romantic the place looks.
   He takes my coat and then takes his coat off and hangs them in the corner.

  "This is so sweet." I smile taking a seat I have to fight back some tears.
   The speaker goes on and I her Alice curse which causes us both to laugh. Then the Michael Buble song comes on the one we danced to at the masquerade ball. Our first dance.
    "Your meal." Holly winks placing two plates on front of us. Chicken and roasted vegetables. One of the first meals he cooked for me.
"The meal you first made me." I smile touching his hand.
"How does it feel have your arm back?"
I ask touching his arm.
"I feel complete again. I had a real shower without plastic bags today." He smiles.
"I have to say your Valentines surprise is pretty amazing." I smile looking around at the empty coffee house.
"There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, love." He sighs.
"I know, and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you." I say looking at the love on his eyes.
"I might cry." I warn him. "Me too." He laughs.

We eat our meal and Holly clears our dishes. She comes back with little dessert plates.
I watch as Finn stands up and walks around to my side of the table. My heart stops when he pulls out a ring box. I stare at him as he gets down on his knee and looks up at me.
This is happening? This is happening! I feel my heart speed up.
"Riley I have loved you since you were the feisty teenage girl next door. You continue to amaze me every day. I never knew what real love was until I saw it in you. You challenge me in ways I have never been challenged by anyone in my entire life. You are my home. I know that if I am with you I can get through anything. That I can face anything together we can face anything. Riley Margaret Quinn will
You marry me?" He asks opening the ring box. I don't take my eyes off of his as I nod.
   "I am going to need you to say something, love" He smiles.
   "Yes! " I smile as he stands up. He grabs my hand and slips a ring on my finger. I can feel the tears start to fall.
  "I told  you I would cry." I smile grabbing my napkin and dabbing my eyes.
   "You haven't even looked at the ring, love." He smiles. "Oh." I smile looking down.
"It's beautiful." I smile looking down at the simple round cut diamond on a small white band. "It's perfect."
   "You're perfect, love." He smiles grabbing me and kissing me.

Luck of the heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora