Chapter Forty Seven: Dress Up

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"Drink this take these." Finn smiles when I sit up.
"I actually don't feel that bad. I think us fighting sobered me up." I laugh taking the aspirin and drinking the water.
"We have to face our families in like an hour." He says pointing to his clock on the nightstand.
"We are meeting them for breakfast at the hotel right?" I ask getting out of bed.

"Yes, love." He smiles wrapping his arms around me.
"I am going to jump in the shower then." I sigh laying my head against his chest.

"Okay, I will make some coffee and let you get ready." He says kissing my head before releasing me.
I grab clean clothes and head to the bathroom to shower.

Thirty minutes later my hair is done along with my make up. I throw on my emerald green maxi dress and head downstairs.

"Good morning." I smile as I walk into the living room.
"Good morning Miss independent." Sebastian says which causes a chuckle from Finn.
"Ha ha." I roll my eyes."I'm stubborn." I shrug accepting it.
"I'll say." Finn laughs.

"Are you ready, love?" He says opening the front door.
"Yep. Bye Sebastian." I smile slipping on my flip flops.

"They are already in the dining room. Let's hope our mothers are still talking." Finn laughs as we pull into the hotel parking lot.

"Good morning." I smile as Finn and I arrive at the table filled with our family.
"How the hell is she so bright and cheery?" Daniel shakes his head and drinks his coffee.
Finn chuckles and looks around the table.

"I heard you guys had a fun night." My mom smiles as I hug and kiss her. "It was eventful." I smile.
We walk around the table hugging everyone and find our seats.
"You look lovely." Brooke smiles as I sit down. "We were expecting you to look like Daniel after he told us you went shot for shot with him." Christopher laughs.
"I knew he was full of shit." Christopher shakes his head.
"No they did. They drank a whole bottle of Jack between the two of them." Finn shakes his head.

"Seriously?" Brooke says looking me over.
"She's tougher than she looks." Shane laughs.

"Did you find your fucking shoes?" Caleb whispers.
"Yes." Finn and I laugh.
   "Jacob glad you made it. " I smile as he leans down to hug me.

   "Court as brutal yesterday. Sorry I couldn't make it to the party. I heard it was a hell of a time." He laughs taking his seat.

"Riley dear. Your mom and I were talking and we think after breakfast we should head over to the bridal salon to look at your dress." Finn's mom smiles.
"Sounds like a plan. I will text Ashley and Shay so they can meet us there." I smile.
Shay & Ash
Meeting of the bridesmaids.. Mothers want to see the dresses..  This is a bridal s.o.s

Dear dramatic bride to be:
We will be there! We will grab your strapless bra and shoes!
Love the best bridesmaids EVER!

"The guys are going to look at the tuxedos and then we can meet back up for lunch." My mom smiles.
"We get to play dress up. They are going to hate everything." I whisper to Finn.
"I'll take care of it , love. Whats the wedding shops name?" He asks.
"Bridal Suite." I say looking at him curious.

"Shay and Ashley will meet us there." I let my mom and Finn's mom know.
We eat breakfast and I give Finn the saddest please don't leave me look.
"It will be fine, love." He smiles kissing me.

"Are you ready for this?" Brooke smiles.
"No." I laugh. "It won't be so bad. I am enjoying being kid free afternoon. Christopher said he can handle it though."She laughs.

Luck of the heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora