Chapter Six: Kiss on the run

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"How did it go last night?" Brandon asks as he sits down next to me in class.
"So ,so good. They are going to let me sing a couple of songs with them during Friday's show." I smile.
"Wow that's really cool. Would you mind if I came?" He asks casually.
"Sure. It's at the club off of main Project X."

"Great I can't wait." He smiles. "Are we still on for coffee tonight?" He asked looking at his notes.

"I actually have to practice the set tonight. I hate to cancel is there any way we can do our second date on Saturday?" I ask.
"I have football practice and then the house is having a party. Do you want to come to the party?" He asks hopeful.
"I better not. I kind of want to avoid places where I am provoked into cussing certain people out in public. " I shrug. "Probably best we skip the frat things together." He laughs.

"We will figure it out." I reassure him. I feel so bad. He is so sweet and I want to like him. He is a good guy.

I am relieved that it's finally lunch time. I am starving today.

" Logan is so excited about you agreeing to do a couple songs with them. Him and the guys were impressed."Ashley smiles piling food onto her tray.
"I had a lot of fun. I hope I don't choke Friday night." I sigh grabbing a bowl of chicken noodle soup and and apple juice.
"You are going to do great." Ashley says sliding her card through. I follow behind her and side my card through.

"Hi Riley." Logan greets me as soon as I sit down. "Hey." I smile.
"Hey babe." He smiles kissing Ashley.

l find myself looking for Finn. He is usually sitting with us by now. That's when I see him talking to a short blond. She is touching his arm and laughing at everything he says.
Why do I feel jealous? We are friends that's it.
"Hey where are you going?" Ashley asks when I stand up. "I have something I need to get before class." I say watching Finn and the blond walk towards us. She nods when she sees what or rather who I was staring at.

"Hey Riley, in a hurry?" Finn smiles as I walk past him and his new friend. "Running late." I wave walking by him and his friend.

Why am I upset? He should date he is cute , funny and sweet. Crud I like him. Why? I yell at myself. Why do I do this to myself? He is not what I need.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. I decide to focus on having fun with the band tonight. I get even more excited when Ashley texts me to bring my guitar.
I rush back to my room and grab my guitar before making it over to the club.

"Hey Riley." Sebastian says when I get out of my car.
"Hi." I smile grabbing my guitar from my back seat.
"You play too?" He asks nodding towards my guitar. "A little. Logan asked me to bring it."
Sebastian is cute. I don't know why I didn't notice sooner. He's more muscular than the other guys. He also has more tattoos which I find myself wanting to see more of. He has light brown hair and crystal clear blue eyes and a dimple in his chin. I am a sucker for dimples.

"Cool." He says as we walk into the club.
"Hey bestie." Ashley smiles grabbing me into a hug.
"Hey." I smile looking around the room. I don't see Finn.
"Riley do you think you can play one of your songs for us? Maybe that one that you played at the coffee house not the first one but the second one?" Logan asks walking me to the stage.

"Okay." I take a deep breath and think about having fun. I take my guitar out and take a seat on the edge of the stage.

The guys and Ashley take seats at tables
In front.

I start to play and then begin to sing.

"Even better than the first time, love." Finn smiles taking a seat next to Ashley.

"See." Logan says gesturing to me. "We can use her sound as an intro and and then blend it with Sebastian's song. "Logan explains.
I have no idea what he's talking about so just sit on the stage. I want to go sit by Finn but I fight the urge. We are friends. If he is going to date it will only make things worse for me.
"You alright love?" He asks taking a seat by me on the stage.
"Yeah just waiting for orders." I say gesturing toward Logan.

"Riley are you ready?" Logan calls me over to them.
I shrug at Finn and jump up to join the guys.

Logan directs me to start playing my song and then has me merge into theirs so it blends into one song following him in the chorus. It actually turns out pretty good and the guys get excited.

"Great job tonight." Sebastian tells me as I pack my guitar away. "Thanks you too." I smile.
"You ready to go ,love?" Finn asks me looking at Sebastian. "Uh yeah." I say confused.
"I'll walk you to your car." He smiles grabbing my guitar from me.
"See you guys tomorrow." I say waving.

"I'll text you later!" Ashley says hugging me.

"Thank you." I say grabbing my guitar from Finn and putting it in my car.
When I turn around Finn is right in front of me he pulls me close to him and his lips cover mine. I feel electricity shoot through my body as it becomes alive with each sweep of his lips.
He pulls away and apologizes before getting into his car and leaving.

What the hell was that?!? I scream inside of my head. His lips my God his lips. Then he just takes off? Who does that? Why did he apologize? Was I that bad?

I make my way back to my dorm room still trying to wrap my mind around what just happened.
I'm happy when I see that Shay is out. I grab my clothes and head to the showers a cold shower is happening and happening now.
When I get back to my room I check my phone but only see a message from Ashley and Brandon.
I text Brandon good night and tell Ashley I will see her at lunch tomorrow before laying down.
  What the fuck is Finn's problem? Is my last thought as I close my eyes.

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