Chapter Twenty Four: Not afraid

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My head is pounding by the time I get into my car. I want to call Finn and tell him about everything but I don't think I can talk without breaking down at this point. I decide to just head back to my dorm for a minute. Maybe take Shay up on that whole running thing she does.

I park my car and walk towards my dorm room. I am actually relieved when I see Shay's bed is empty. I throw my bag on the floor and walk over to my bed. I kick off my shoes and climb into my bed and wrap myself in my comforter. I can hear my phone ringing but I ignore it and just let the tears flow. I cry until there aren't any more tears left and I end up falling asleep.

" Hey, love." I hear Finns voice and I slowly open my eyes. " You had us all pretty worried." He frowns brushing my hair out of my face.

" Are you okay, love?" He asks as I sit up. I nod and am surprised to see Ashley and my brothers staring at me. " How long was I asleep?" I ask climbing out of my comforter.

" Well you left us around 10 this morning. It's 4 now." Shane says looking at his watch. "Oh, I'm sorry." I say standing up.

" It's these two assholes that need to be sorry. I can't believe they didn't tell you about your mom." Ashley crosses her arms and glares at my brothers.

" It was my moms wishes. I am not happy with them either but you know how my ma can be." I shrug.

" You look like shit." Ashley says hugging me. " Let's go get you cleaned up." She says grabbing my makeup bag and pulling me towards the bathroom.

" Shit." I cringe staring in the mirror. My mascara ran from me crying. I start to scrub my face.

" How are you doing?" She says sitting on the counter. " Apparently not well." I say scrubbing my face. " How did you guys all end up here?" I ask drying my face.

" Your brothers called you, like a bunch of times and then they ended up swinging by Finn's. Then Finn was in a panic after you didn't answer his hundred calls or texts.So then he called Logan who was with me and then I called you. After all of that Shay met us here and let us in. There you were all cried out and sleeping." She frowns. " You just looks so sad. You broke my heart." She says pulling me into a hug.

"I guess I just needed to cry it out and sleep. I honestly feel better." I half smile. " I think I ruined my new sweater though." I say looking at the black marks all over the sleeve. "I will get you a new shirt." She smiles walking back in my room.

I fix my makeup and redo my hair while I wait for her to come back. " You already look much better." She smiles handing me a new top. " Thanks."I say changing my shirt. "There I am human again." I smile as we head back to my room.

"You look better." Shane says breaking the tension in the room. " I feel better."

"Did you eat?" Finn asks wrapping is arm around my waist. "No."

" Do you want to get something to eat?" Caleb asks. I can see he concerned and I am kind of happy about that because not telling me about our ma was a dick move.

" As long as you guys aren't leaving anything out I think I can manage eating." I look at both of my brothers. " I have nothing to add." Shane shrugs and Caleb shakes his head no.

" Okay do you want to go to Melody, love?" Finn asks me. " Sure, do you guys want to meet us there? It is right off of State on the corner." I say to my brothers who give me a nod and proceed to walk out of my room.

" You scared me, love." Finn says grabbing me and hugging my body against him. " Sorry, I just needed to cry it out. I mean my mom Finn she could be in a wheel chair now for the rest of her life. It's not bad enough that a car accident took my dad from us." I shake my head laying my head on his chest.

" I know , love." He says. " Thank you, for worrying about me." I smile looking up at him.

" Come on let's go eat. You have to be starving." He smiles kissing the top of my head.

I grab my coat and purse and we are on our way. Just being near Finn calms me. I still want to punch my brothers but I also want to hug them and enjoy the last night with them before they leave tomorrow morning.

We meet my brothers who are already seated at a table.

" Are you going to hate us for ever?"Shane pouts.
" No, but I hope this is the last time you keep something especially something like this a secret from me." I say giving him a slight smile.

" I can live with that." Shane smiles.

" I am starving." I say looking over the menu.
   We order our food and I don't think I even take the time to taste it the burger and fries are gone shortly after the waitress serves them.

  "Did you even chew it?" Shane teases.
"I was hungry. " I  start to turn red.
  "Don't let this shit say anything about inhaling food. He ate a large pizza by himself last night." Caleb laughs.

   "I did not. You had a slice." Shane laughs.
  "What are we doing after this?" Caleb asks as he finishes his burger.
   "Do you have a decent pool hall around here?" Shane smiles.

   "Actually yes." I smile and Finn gives me a weird look. "It's fine. I could actually use a friendly game with my brothers." I smile .
"Good. I've been dying to see you play." He winks.

   I am not going to be afraid of living my life because of what might happen. We might run into Charlie but I am done being afraid of him.

"Alright. Call your friends too this could be fun." Shane smiles.

Luck of the heartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin