Chapter Nine: I'm with the band

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" That is awful. They were together like for for ever." Ashley frowns grabbing a salad and placing it on her tray. " I know. She is heart broken so I told her she is coming with us. Plus I think she would be a good fit for Brandon." I smile grabbing an apple juice.

"I thought you were talking to him?" She asks confused. " I want to like him, I REALLY do but it's like being around one of my brothers. He is fun, sweet but NOTHING romantic. If anything it is awkward and I feel like I am leading him on." I say sliding my card." Who will you date then?" She asks sliding her card. " Maybe I just need to do this. Not date but have fun and see what happens. I am obviously not good at the whole dating thing." I shrug sitting down at the lunch table.

"Hey Riley. Are you excited about tonight?" Logan smiles putting his arm around Ashley.

"Definitely." I smile drinking my apple juice. No sign of Finn so I decide to take off before he shows.

" I am off. It's beautiful outside and I want to get some study time in before class." I smile standing up.

" I am coming by right after my last class so we can get ready together." Ashley smiles. " Okay!" I say grabbing my book bag.

" Off so soon ,love?" Finn asks walking up with Alexis. " Ready study buddy?" Sebastian says at the most perfect time possible. " Yep. See you guys later." I smile walking off with Sebastian.

" We can quiz each other." He says as we sit outside our next class. " Okay. I need all of the help that I can get." I sigh enjoying the warmth from the sun.

We quiz each other until class starts. He is kind of hilarious and I enjoy his company. I don't know enough about him just yet but I could definitely enjoy getting to know him.

The afternoon drags which is probably because I am so nervous and excited about tonight. When I am released from my last class I practically sprint back to my dorm room to meet Ashley and Shay.

" Took you long enough!" Ashley giggles as she sees me walk in the building. " I practically ran here." I say opening my dorm room door. " I know I saw you. It's cute you are so excited." She giggles.

" Shay! We are doing a mini make over on you too." Ashley smiles throwing down a bag on my bed.

"Don't scare her." I laugh when I return from washing my face. Shay looks at me like she is going to cry. " You wear what ever is comfortable for you. Don't wear open toe shoes though." I laugh.

" What am I wearing? " I ask Ashley as she hands me a pair of tiny black jeans and a tiny white tank top. " Really what am I wearing?" I laugh holding them up. " They will fit. just put them on. Do you have any heels." She says looking through my closet.

I wiggle my way into the tiny black skinny jeans and am surprised to see that they do fit. I try the tank top but we all agree that it makes me look paler than my usual shade of white so I go with a light blue top that plunges a little too far for my normal comfort level but I have to admit that it makes me look hot . Ashley hands me a pair of heels that I slip into.

"Okay?" I say turning around. "Yes!" They both say. " I am bringing my ballet flats just in case." I laugh tossing them into my bag. Now for make up and hair. Ashley takes charge and lines my eyes in a way that makes my eyes really pop. She keeps it simple though which I am relieved to see once she is finished.

Shay decides to stick to what she knows and goes with jeans and a long tunic paired with ballet flats. She looks sweet and I think Brandon is going to love that. I smile to myself as Ashley pins my curls into place.

" You look hot." Ashley smiles as she sits down to get herself ready. She chooses a low cut tank top paired with a pair of equally tight jeans like me.

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