Chapter Seventeen: Its not what you think

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"You watched a movie and then what?" Ashley asks curiously as she grabs a bowl of fruit off of the counter.

"I must have fallen asleep because I woke up alone when my alarm went off." I shrug grabbing a muffin.

" Does this mean you are going to date? What about you know the run in with you know who?" She frowns.

" He isn't worried . I am , but I also really like him Ash." I groan.
"Oh I know. I think everyone knows just from that song." She smiles.

"I'm just going to be cautious and keep an eye out for any red flags. " I nod grabbing a water.

We slide our school ID badges and head to where Logan is sitting with Sebastian.

"Ladies." Sebastian smiles as we sit down.
"Boys." Ashley giggles as Logan nuzzles her neck.

"Hello , love." Finn says sitting down next to me. He grabs me and pulls me into him sweeping his lips against mine. I can feel my face flush.

"Hi."I smile feeling myself melt.

"Ready ?" Sebastian asks standing up.
"No." I frown standing up. "I heard he has his big notebook out today." I cringe grabbing my bag.

"See you later."I smile as Finn grabs me and gives me a quick kiss. "Bye, love." He smirks.

"See you guys tonight." I wave.

"So you're in for practice tonight?" Logan smiles. "For now." I say walking off with Sebastian.

"You guys are together now then I take it?" Sebastian mumbles as we make our way across campus.

"Yes, maybe." I wrinkle my nose. "It's a day by day thing." I shrug.

" I hope he knows how lucky he is. " He nods.

" I will remind him." I tease pushing his arm.

"How do you know Charlie? I know Finn told Logan that none of us are to bring it up but he's a bad guy." He says grabbing my arm and stopping me.

"We're going to be late." I sigh. "I know he is bad. Trust me I don't plan on having any more run ins with him. He just bought me shots that's all." I half lie.

"Okay , just be careful." He warns. I nod and offer him a smile. "Thanks Sebastian."

  I'm touched he is worried. He doesn't know how true his warning is for me though.

"I'm glad you changed your mind about Friday." He smiles changing the subject as we walk into the classroom.

"Me too." I say as we sit down in class.
"Shit, it's the long lecture today. You were right it's the big book." He groans.
" I told you." I sigh opening my notebook.

Thankfully the rest of my classes aren't as bad and go by fairly quick. I have a shit ton of work though.
I'm excited to go to practice tonight. It's a nice distraction and well it's nice being a part of something.

"Is it me or was today extra brutal?" Ashley groans joining me as I walk towards our dorm.

"Nope not just you. Today kind of sucked." I pout grabbing my heavier than usual back pack.
"Two papers due by Friday." I continue to complain.
As we walk into our dorm I get a text from
Finn. He won't be able to pick me up for practice and tells me to ride with Ashley.

"Finn's running behind." I shrug putting my phone back in my pocket. "I'll drive." She happily offers. "Sure." I agree walking into my room.
    "Give me like twenty minutes and we can go." Ashley says as she heads towards her room.

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