

"So I'm supposed to go to either the football field or the gym?"




"Oh, okay. Thank you. I'm sorry that you got dragged into this mess."

"Where are you heading now?"

"Well, the riddle was would I rather get a touch down or a three pointer, and obviously I would rather get six points than three."

"Okay then. You better start walking."







"Am I supposed to pick up that piece of paper on the grass?"

"Harper, I need to teach you a valuable lesson for life. When something has your name written on it, then you should probably read it."

"Fine, fine. Whatever you say, Mr. Smarty-pants."

"Just read what it says."

"'Haha, you've picked the wrong place to go to. Go get that three-pointer now.' What kind of note is this?"

"The kind that says that you need to come to the gym."

"Okay! I'm coming."








"I'm right outside the gym doors. I'm kinda nervous to walk in."

"Why are you nervous?"

"Because I think that you're going to ambush me and dump paint over my hair and down my shirt."

"Man, you know me so well."


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I promise that you won't get dirty or hurt when you walk in, okay?"


"Now get in here."





"Oh my gosh."




"Harper, will you go to prom with me?"


"Is it bad that you aren't answering me?"


"Wait, seriously?"


"You're losing me..."

"Yes, I'll go to prom with you."

"Wow, you just hugged me. I think the world is ending."




"This is where we kiss."

"Don't stretch it."



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