Chapter 37

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Xaviers point of view

What happened..

All the cries, shouts, everything it just faded out. My eyes absentmindedly stared at her swollen face. I blocked everyone out so that it was just me and her body. The planet seemed to revolve harder, faster, refusing to let me find my feet and so I gripped the soild hard.

The air was dense, like I had to swallow it in forcefully. A tear crawled through my eye, I couldn't even blink it away. My body wasn't mine anymore, it a prision, where I was trapped, unable to move or run, just slowly succumbing to a cancerous pain.

Not now, not like this..

Ryan kept performing an unsuccessful CPR. Wait what?

She couldn't leave, I mean she just couldn't. I felt my senses heighten and a new, better, stronger control over my forearms. And then I felt ANGER. I wasn't done with her, if she thought this was a damn tease than she was wrong. She can't leave. NO.

Before I knew it I pushed everyone away from her till I sat on top of her. I fixed her face to look at me. With both of my hands and pumped her chest below her breast. My deadly whispered erupted in to a woefull shout.


"You can't leave."


"I love you."


"This isn't where your story ends."


"you're stronger than THIS!!!"



I took my hand back turning it to a rock solid fist and punched her heart with all the force I had.



"Save me."

"You're safe here."

I helped her on to the top of the trunk. I leaned back against while still on the ground and soon felt her head resting on mine. "The only one who can hurt me right now is you...I mean you did break my rib"

She knew that irritated me, but I did my best to avoid spilling anymore  emotions than I already had. "You break easily, not my fault."

It had been a week out of creekside and she was still healing. It did make me feel at unease with guilt but I was satisfied to know that whatever happened, happened for the best.

"I don't wanna deal with them anymore." She confessed. "I-I just can't."

"Hopefully you won't have to, I mean this week was clean right?" I leaned in to her.

"That is because you were my shadow all week. That can't go on forever."

"Why not?" She took herself away from me as I expected and I faced her.

"Because-" She shrugged. "It just can't."

I locked in to her eyes. "I'll be in your life, that's for sure. Accept it now or later, that, is up to you." I was certain of this. She was going to have to deal with me whether she liked it or not. After that scare, I wasn't going away till I knew I had done what I needed to.

She fell silent, which served as a defensive strategy of hers. "Serenity?"

She slid off the car and stood in front of me and smiled. "Glad you're here."

I took her in to my arms gently but further loosened my grip when she cringed in pain. Fragile, yes.

That was the closest thing to an I love you too I got, which was sad in a way but these past few months have had me adapt.

Back at the house Nan was all packed and ready to leave. I admit, we've had our ups and downs but Nan brought life to the house, something it lost many years ago. She was busy in her good byes and thus we waited patiently outside for our turn.

"My darlings." She strolled to us.  "Get along well."

She took Serenity in for a hug leaving me wary of Nans strenght on her. She whispered something and kissed her fair cheek with her rosy lips leaving a mark. She turned to me next as Serenity moved away. My eyes followed her as she did, and she knew that now, in fact she did not get awkward when I showed her my emotions. Whether or not she showed the same, in her silence I found acceptance.

"Give your Nan a look too." I bent down and said. "I can't save her from everything."

"You just did." She kissed me and I kissed her back. "You know the crazy stupid love your parents are in?"


"You're in it too." She winked devilishly because she knew how much I resented the very idea of being in 'love' until I was actually in it, so to say.

And with that Nan went as she came, right on time.

Sneak Peak in to the next chapter.

He threw the plate off the counter as we witnessed what was happening.

"I say this because I care." I could hear the distress in his voice.

"Care? You order me around and threaten me and say you care?" His eyes radiated fury. The alcohol did well to enhance that effect. "Well scr*w you a*****e."

His last words came out even colder than the last. "Do us a favour and drop dead."

The MnemophobicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon