Chapter 20 - Flashbacks

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The tension is here 

It's between who you are and who you could be 

Between how it is and how it should be 

I dare you to move 

I dare you to lift yourself up off of the floor 

I dare you to move 

Like today never happened before

Switchfoot - Dare you to move 

All rights reserved by the band that owns this song. No copy right intended.

It was no surprise to see how events unfolded in Judge Victor Mort's court room. The defence had tried and failed in avoiding their already destined loss. The accused sat in empty wooden bleachers adjeacent to the Taylors who were accompanied by Humanitarian rights counsellors, Child service representatives and top lawyers, all of whom played vitals roles in the week long trial. I was called to give my final testimony and answer any remaining questions before the closing statements and final verdict.

"Miss Lyn, are you ready?" I wasn't; throughout this trial I had been put in positions I had never dreamt of being in. Never had I been apart of something so daring, nor had I spoken to anyone about the horrors I had been exposed to. Knowing that I was in a court room with a dozen security guards that would undoubtedly jump to my aid did not give me any relief from the fact that I was more or less 20 feet away from my wrong doers. I still envisioned their grip on me. Right now I was the puppet that broke free, something that truely disgusted them.

"Miss Lyn?" Judge Mort asked breaking my train of thought. "It's alright."

I gave a nod to the lawyer and with that it had begun.

After the Oath the prosecutor started with his questions. "Miss Lyn, how would you describe your foster familys cruel behaiviour towards you?" He asked. "Objection! The question is biased!" A strong voice from the defence attorney echoed through the room. The prosecutor held his hand up in form of an apology and rephrased. "How would you describe their behaviour? Did they treat you right?"

I struggled to start but once I did I found my rhythm. "They were nice till I-I mean for some time they were good."

"What happened after?"

"They uh, started giving, umm.."

"Miss Lyn you don't have to worry, you can speak freely here, only justice prevails." He consoled me. I knew it was the last time I would ever have the chance, in addition to that, I did not want to let down Ryan and his family who were dependant on my testimony, so I closed my eyes and tried to imagine and empty room where I would have no fear.

"They were hospitable, but only in the beginning. After a while they started extending a cold shoulder and started setting 'special rules for me' like my extra jobs around the house, doing homework for my siblings, and filtering out the people I would spend time with."

"Your honor I believe Miss Lyn fails to differentiate chores and parental rights from human rights violation." The defence spoke up after which the prosecutor snapped back. "I believe the defence needs to wait it's turn!"

There was a loud bang. "Order! Will the prosecution continue or shall we shift over to the defence?" Judge Mort roared.

"I apologize your honour, the prosecution would like to continue." The judge nodded and the trial continued. "What happened next?"

"Fathe- umm Otis North, my foster father would rarely be home, but when he was, he had a grip on everyone like nothing i've seen before." I imagined his bearded face turn from pale to bright red in anger. "He made fun of my birth parents by saying awful things about them. I asked him to stop and.."

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