Chapter 7

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Mennigin's point of view

It had seemed like almost an eon ago that I once sat in this office trying to make this company from what is was, to what it is today. Those long office nights, last minute meetings, tenders and contracts, it all enhanced the emotion of actually having succeeded in my conduct. That time excited me, the mere power in a person's hands to produce such things, at the moment, seemed miraculous. My hands slid of the over side of the grey stradmon armchair behind my desk. Behind it there was a one way glass window stretching from one end of the wall to the other. It faced the front of the building where the fountain and adjacent road came to sight. The walls were painted hazelnut. My reception area opened to my room and my room opened to the main conference hall. The meeting was to begin in 10 minutes. I rang my assistant, "Is Mr. Samuels here yet?"

I got an instant reply. "No sir, When he enters the building premisis you will be notified." said the robotic voice.

"Thank you."

He should have been here by now. Beth was persistent in treating him like any other client but as my best friend's grandson, I found that hard to think about, let alone do. It had been quite a while since I had seen Xavier. When I left them last, Xavier was...distracted, so to say, but as he got hold of the Pros.Inc I assume that he has thus been consumed by it. In my mind things played out perfectly, then again they always do until real life hits. Somewhere inside I pondered over the fact that everything might just turn out to be a disaster.

The receiver startled me, breaking my thoughts.

"Mr. Taylor, please make your way to the conference hall A. Mr. Samuels will be notified when he enters the building premises."

I gathered myself and walked in to the hall where the board of directors, observant, and the remaining Taylors fenced the long table that ended with a huge white screen for the projectors. I sat at the opposite end with my grandsons to each side. Xavier was my choice, and he was late.

Tick tock tick tock

It was five minutes to noon. Ryan made a face and looked at me, I lifted my hand slightly from the table and gestured for him to be patient. After only a split second the doors flew open and Xavier made his way to the front of the long table and, without delay, hooked his laptop to the projector. He had grown taller from when I had seen him last and his posture had a solid firmness to it. His hair was neither brown nor blonde but somewhat sandy. He arrived in a classy jet black suit and tie. He soon took off his coat, rolled his sleeves and at exactly 11:59, ahead of time, eyed me then began with his presentation.

I had specifically asked Beth to sign him over to me but she wanted to make him work for it, and so he had. Not only was he incredibly well prepared on the plan layout for the theme park but also managed to touch every financial, environmental and social aspect linked to it. Furthermore, not once did he hesitate during the discussion, answering every question possible.

" I apologize once again for being late but seeing as this meeting went, in my opinion, better than what I would've hoped for I see no harm done." He said with a half smile. " Mr. Taylor, what do you think?"

" I think you've come a long way my boy for just a youngster. The plans are good however near the small river you were talking about is alr-" I stopped as my phone buzzed. Seeing it, I apologetically gestured and turned my seat around.

While answering it I whispered, " I'll have one sent to you, however be discreet."

I asked for the assistant intern to come around. " Send a car to the Main-street Library."

He nodded and disappeared from the room. I realized, however, my actions looked extremely cryptic so I turned around and continued as if nothing had happened.

" The river has a clubhouse constructed, it was made for kids however it is quite large. Before the construction, it has to be taken down, moreover I think it be best if the main attractions were kept out in the open fields beyond the forest to minimize the loss of the environment there. Quite a large number for people still camp out."

" For the clubhouse to be taken down I need to consult with the owner."

" As the owner I'll inform you when I allow it to be taken down. Thank you"

With that the meeting ended with an unified approval of the plans after which everyone dispersed and the Taylor's along with Mr. Samuels came back with me to my office.

" How do you boys feel about a drink to this new partnership? White Zinfandel?" I said while pouring myself a glass. I turned to receive a unanimous yes.

" Where are you staying?" Ellis asked curiously.

" I haven't exactly got around to making the arrangements, I got...delayed." Xavier said giving a suspicious pause near the end.

" How about you stay the night over at the estate, tomorrow either one of the boys can accompany you in finding a good place to stay." I insisted.

" It's a good idea," Ellis replied to my surprise. I expected a more hostile reaction from all of them.

" No no I don't want to be a bother, I'm sure I can find something in the given time, it's only 3:30pm" Xavier made a face that seemed he was overwhelmed my the generous offer.

" Nonsense!" I exclaimed. " I insist, please stay for one day. Besides, if Beth were to find out i let her child sleep on the streets, well we'd all have judgement day upon us" I chuckled. Taking no more excuses I managed to get Xavier to stay. Ryan left the building to pick up his son from the station. Hudson, Xavier, Ellis and I engaged in conversation being aware not to reveal our presently bitter relations at the moment. This went on for a while before the receiver rang.

" Mr. Taylor both your cars are outside the building, Miss Taylor is presently in your Sedan."

"Thank you, I'm leaving for the day please transfer and calls to the estate."

" Of course Mr. Taylor. Have a good day."

We all made our way to the front of the building. I asked them to sit in any car they wished, Hudson retreated back to his Mercedes but Ellis and Xavier lined up to sit in the Sedan. Clyde generously opened the front passenger door for me. I sat and glanced through the side mirror to see her face. She was definitely upset.

Ellis got in next to Serenity in the back seat, However Xavier stopped as he was entering the car and without delay, his face turned blue. What had happened?

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