Chapter 6

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Xavier's point of view

Kingsview was the final destination before the country began, and as anyone could imagine because of it's location, it was a quiet town where festivals involved the whole population and where news would spread like wildfire over night. It was somewhere in the spring of 1960 that a discovery was made that would soon change this small town, with time, in to a marketing giant. Mennigin Taylor, now chairperson of AVOC succeeded his father with the company that literally rose from a large oil reserve, and that too from one of the many pieces of land the family owned. Talk about being lucky.

Since then AVOC has turned from AVOC petroleum to AVOC group of companies. These 'companies' include the FGE; foundation of green energy, AVOC electrical and maintenance, AVOC textile plus, and AVOC paint and tile plus. The area still lacks tourists and needs more than a few stable income generators, that is where I come in. AVOC has decided to work with Pros.Inc in the construction of a dream adventure park. Pros.Inc manages the construction while AVOC manages finances. Having a Nan who has been close friends with Mennigin has not helped me in any way as I still find myself driving to AVOC, Kingview to 'seal the deal'.

The road disappeared under my Audi faster as I pounced on the accelerator during the last bit of open road before Kingsview. I sincerely hoped that I would find this town to my liking, otherwise, I'd have to regret the next few months wishing I had stayed at Wales. Though even if I stayed I still wouldn't have been drowned in a schedule that normally most chairmen endure. For this, and this alone, I was lucky to have a CEO like Roger. Though we've had our differences, he seems to understand how the company is meant to run even before I can fully comprehend. I guess that happens when you head a company at only 25.

The town seemed more like a miniature city. Far different from what I expected. There was greenery everywhere and it was clear that special care was granted to every patch of grass and bush of flowers in the area. The buildings were not very tall but beautifully constructed. There were not many open area's that came in to view other than some street side cafe's. It was around 11 o'clock and the streets were starting to come alive, I wondered what would become of this very town at night. Taking a look at all my surroundings, I figured, this place seems alright.

The cloudy grey sky made it look like it was 6 p.m. rather than 11 a.m. I turned the headlights. Not too far now. A person ran out on the streets from out of nowhere between two apartment building on my right. She was right in front of me when I assumed she realized where she was. I honked the car horn, something that grabbed the attention of every person in the area. She was statue like before my speeding car, she wasn't going to move.

Both my feet struck the brakes with a ridiculous amount of force. My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I turned trying to avoid all contact. Then silence.

This was a dream, a very bad dream. How could I possibly run someone over the same day and in the same place I need to close this deal. Whoever this suicidal imbecile was, if they didn't die I was sure to strangle them for this.

I nearly lost my footing while rushing out of the car. She was on her knees a good 8 feet from the car. However, the best part was, it did not look like she was injured in anyway. Good that saved me a certain lawsuit, now I can really try killing her.

I was so overwhelmed with anger. Furiously I raced to the girl, bent down and grabbed her by the arm making her face me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted. I failed to notice the rising crowd of people this accident was attracting. That is until I heard someone say, "Hey call the police! This guy hit her"

No no no no no no! Not this! This is the last thing I needed.

She jerked her arm away from me and stood up to her feet while I was zoned out in my thoughts. She held her arm and started walking away silently; slowly. I had to make everyone see that I wasn't a person behind a hit and run. I raced to catch up to her once again, this time gently grabbing her by the shoulders, "Hey! Are you hurt?" I spoke softly.

She eyed me the worst possible way, squinting her small brown eyes and telepathically screaming at me.

"Listen come with me please, I'll take you home, or wherever you want to go, please." I begged.

"Get off me!" She said firmly.

"Listen I'm here for a very important meeting, I'm not even from here! Whatever happened shouldn't have but if you don't come with me this might involve the cops and I guess both of us want to avoid that."

She paused for a moment and gathered her thoughts. Then nodded in disbelief and reluctantly accepted the offer. I tried to take her by her arm but she tugged away as soon as I came close and started walking with me while being as far away as possible. A man came up to the girl as asked if she was okay. My fate literally hanged by a thread in that moment.

" I'm fine, the car didn't hit me, I lost balance while crossing." She said. Relief.

We sat in the car and I rushed off out of the scene before anymore fingers pointed at me with accusations. I looked over to her side to see that she was looking out the window and her straight brown hair took way any chance at seeing her face. I did, however, notice that she was holding her arm, the same arm I had grabbed and tugged. Unintentionally I must have grabbed it too hard. All of a sudden I felt guitly. I wasn't a saint but I knew never to hurt a woman.

I found the strenght to put together some words to make a conversation. "Listen you're okay right?"

She stayed quiet. The silence was irritating. Was she not grateful that she barely escaped a certain death?

I tried to concentrate on the road when I decided to try again. " I have a phone, is there someone you want to call? Where do you want me to drop you off?"

She still stayed quiet. It went almost unnoticed that she was shaking. It wasn't long before we were in front of AVOC.

"Drop me here." she said breaking the silence. Those were the only three words I heard from her. I did as she wished and wished her goodbye, that also, did not receive a reply. She walked inside the building and disappeared out of sight. Focus, that was a minor hurdle I overcame, now I only have a presentation to worry about.

I closed my eyes in a sign of relief. The worst was over...

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