Chapter 14

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Beth/Nans point of view

Xavier obediently left to fetch Serenity and Dawn. I strolled over to close the door of the conferance room when Mennigin stopped me.

" Let it be, no one can get in without passing by the reception." He had a serious tone to his voice, he definitly knew what was coming. I sat down adjaecent to him. " The plans look nice don't you say Beth?"

I glared at him, " I know, it was MY idea for a cover-up up, hope you didn't forget love. Don't beat around the bush, Kings Fort was a small expense paid for the real story."

He nodded.

" How have things been since Pulisade?" I asked sympathetically. " You seem alright."

" There's more to what meets the eye. I'm trying to fill the gap I left only to find it already been filled with this immense hatred." He looked down, folded his arms and then quietly sat down. " I don't think there's much more I can do."

I shot back instantly. " Darlin' you knew this was not going to be easy!"

" I know, but I didn't know it was going to be very hard to make place Beth when no one besides Serenity wants me to."

" If you thought they would take you back with arms wide open than you are wrong." I held his hand tight. " Of course they wilk resent! The decisions you are about to make will test your patience even further love!"

He looked at me straight and said " I know this is what she needs, don't you remember Forlan and Mika? Then your own? The only thing bothering me is how everyone else will take it. It would be a disaster if our decision caused further trouble. I just want whats best for them, I wanna be there to heal the family now."

" I know Xavier, he'll try at the very most. When do you plan to talk to them love?"

" I'm not sure. Probably after I figure out how to deal with Ryan. He only wants whats gonna keep her safe. He's seen Serenity in states he can't describe. It's going to be impossible to get him to accept let alone be happy about this."

" You need to assert order as the head of the family. Stiffen yourself up! They'll fall in line and accept soon enough."

" That's not the only problem, I need help Beth. Clyde thinks I am making a wrong decision to change Serenity's inheritance clause."

" One issue at a time, lets tackle them first."

We came to an abrupt stop when we heard someone by the door. Serenity's voice was the next ine we heard, we looked at either in dispair and walked out of the conference room partially ready to give them the whole story. But they didn't confront us about whatever we were discussing in the conference room. That meant only one of them heard, the question was, which one?

When at home the kids dispersed in to seperate areas. I went up to my room only to find Xavier already waiting there for me. I came in, closed the door behind me and started to pick out a fresh outfit for home. " What's the matter love?"

Xavier seemed serious from his tone. He went straight to the point. " Nan what are you doing here?"

I tried to make a joke and laugh it off by saying I knew he missed me but he did not budge. I let out a deep breath and sat down besides him. " Xavier, first if all don't eavesdrop ever again, secondly, whatever you heard is to be kept to yourself."

" That's not the answer I want Nan! I love you and all okay? But you cannot keep secrets from me." He left my side and was on his feet. " Now I need to know why you suddenly came to Kingsview."

I was just about to speak when Clyde entered the room. " Master Taylor needs both of you in the study this instant."

We were both confused at this but still followed the orders given. When we walked in Mennigin was already seated with Serenity and Ryan on the sofa set. In that moment, I knew why we were there, and in that moment I knew how close to the flames we were.

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