Chapter 27

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Black jeans and a white blouse, ruffled hair and my phone. It wasn't going to get better than this anyways, and with that I left Ryans room and dashed towards the car park where I knew he was waiting for me.

"Dawn? Buddy where are you we need to go!" I yelled coming down the stairs. "I can't find my lunch!" A voice said from the kitchen. "Did you have breakfast?" I yelled back.

"No!" Dawn came out of the kitchen with his shoes in his hand and shirt undone.

I made a point when I said. "I think we should stick to our bedtimes." He jumped in to my arms and I galloped outside. We got in the back seat of the Audi and there I fixed Dawns disorderly visage. "Ryan he hasn't had anything to eat, he doesn't have lunch either."

"Where was the cook?" He asked behind those shady aviators. "I woke up late how should I know?"

"Dawn I'll send someone over with your lunch okay?"

"Yeah sure dad, and I'll get a snack from the vending machine, just please remember Xaviers gonna pick me today!"

I sighed, was there no getting away from it? I indulged myself in work, chores and in fact anything and everything to keep my mind wandering off back to Xavier or James but somehow I would still be stuck at cross roads. We dropped Dawn ahead of time thanks to Ryans dangerously fast driving. Next stop -AVOC.

The clients and employees were all wary of Ryan, in the professional world he was an extremely hard man to please, in fact the people in the office were always shocked to see how accepting he was with me. I tried to keep up with his brisk pace but gave up and ran in front of him stopping him in his tracks. "I'm gonna go to cafeteria okay?"

"What? No, I'll send someone." No! I had to leave, this building had my answers and I had to find them. "I really just want to wander off for a bit, please?" I pleaded to him and he had no choice but to reluctantly nod. I gave him a quick hug and ran off in the direction of the cafeteria but snuck back when Ryan was out of sight and went the other way to Grandpas office. I wanted to sneak in but his receptionist was the grumpiest and strictest.

"Where do you think you're going?" She said in a southern country accent. "Hmmm?"

"Umm, I need to see Grandpa."

"Hes not in."

"So I'll wait for him inside.."

"There's a place called a waiting area, you can stay there."

I grinded my teeth resisting the urge to be slap her. "Listen I really need to get in." I said forcing a smile

"Listen? You're not going to."

What? I did not have time to deal with this. "I really wonder what would happen if Ryan knew you held me here.." She gave me a deadly stare because I knew I hit her where she didn't anticipate it. Her silence meant that she considered letting me in but my efforts were in vain as Grandpa showed up behind me.

"You don't stop my own grand-daughter from coming in to my office." The receiptionist obidiently nodded but my plan had failed terribly. Grandpa showed me in to his office and I just blurted out. "Do you or do you not have white ink?!" He looked surprised at my impatient and straight forward tone.

"Sorry, I mean can I borrow some?"

"Serenity I used to but I don't know, we don't use it. Why would you ask?" He questioned.

"Umm, Dawn needed it, for a project.." I folded my arms and tried to look cool and casual but I know I just looked cryptic. Grandpa was seconds away from speaking when he caught a glimpse of something through the window shades in his office. He went outside and followed Ryan and a couple of security guards through the corridors, as did I, we all resembled a train. Our stop was Xaviers office, only it was less of an organized area like I've always seen it and more like the reckage you would find after a tornado. Papers we scattered everywhere like autumn leaves on the ground. Xavier stood inside the office discussing something in secret with Ryan.

Ryan scared off all the people who were unnecessarily there crowding the area. I stood outside the office with the security guards as Grandpa and the two discussed something and then sent Xavier off. He stopped for a second where our eyes met, I couldn't give him the opportunity to trap me again so I looked least bothered and squeezed through to Ryan. "Whats wrong?" I said while bumping in to him purposely. He had his hand on his head and was definitely bothered by something.

"Well, there was a break-in.."

"What?!" My mouth hung in shock, if I could name the safest place I've ever been to it would be AVOC hands down. "How? What did they take?"

"They took the orginal plan details for Kingsfort, no money, no goods just that." He sounded confused. "Well isn't that good? I mean you must have copies somewhere.."

"Yeah we do Serenity, but there were some new minor changes but thats not important, probably some rival company.." I still saw concern on his face. Holding his arm I asked him what it was that was still bothering him.

He started,"The thing is Serenity, our security system was disabled...from the inside, and thats kind of impossible to do unless-" I continued, "Unless you work here.."

Ryan and Grandpa had to deal with some pretty serious issues so I found it best to stay out of their way. Ryan asked me to pick Dawn up from Xaviers house and I really did not want to be a nuisance to hin so I said I would.

At the Pearl Residence Dawn answered to my knocks. He was definitely having fun, on the Xbox all day and eating all sorts of junk that made him have a sugar rush; I could tell from the mess in the living room. I ordered him to get packed so we could get a move on because the last thing I wanted to do was face Xavier. Dawn was gone in a flash. The house was pretty orderly except the places where Dawn wrecked havoc.

I sat on the sofa and waited for Dawn but he never showed so I reluctantly got up and tried to look for him. Down the hall after the kitchen there was a dim light was on in one room and somehow I was certain that Dawn was there, in fact it never once occured to me that I could be walking in on Xavier. The door led to a room that looked pretty much like our study except the office table had papers all over it and the lamp illuminated the mess in shade of yellow. I walked over to them and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what they were; the blueprints to Kingsfort that were allegedly stolen. My heart beated louder till I could almost hear it through my ears.

A deep voice took the life out of me. "What are you doing here?"

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