Chapter 10 - Flashbacks

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Message to the readers

Hi everyone, thank you for supporting this story! Please continue to read, comment and vote for The Mnemophobic!

Rest assured there are many surprises coming your way.

My computer is busted so I will be writing the chapters on my cell phone. There may be errors but please bare with me. The chapters will be edited soon but the story will continue.

If you haven't read The Mnemophobic add it to your library now, don't miss out on the thriller.

NOTE: This message will be deleted as soon as the chapters are edited. Thank you for your patience.


Serenity's point of view

The sound of a monstrous rain against my broken window woke me from slumber. I held my breath and hid under the dusty blanket shielding myself from the tree branches against my window that I mistook for a person. Realizing my mistake I carefully got up from the squeaky hard wood floor so as not to wake Yuni. I looked back at her carefully tucked on the spring mattress. She slept spread out on all sides, most of the time I could hear the bed move as she would unconsiously change her position multiple times while sleeping.

I leaned forward towards the window and saw my breath cloud the glass. Moving my finger in that patch I made an innocent smiley face. It wasn't freezing, but it was cold. It must have been very late because there wasn't a single soul on the street, no one in the rain. The street lights stood solitary.

I felt and uncomfortable growl from my stomach. I read about that in science; the stomach churns, sqeezes and mixes food together to digest it. I wondered what happens when there is no food in your stomach. I layed down trying to sleep off the stomach aches but sleep eluded me. Even my stomach couldn't once listen. All my efforts of resisting the urge to go down to the kitchen were in vain when I could no longer bare it.

I tip toed in to the kitchen and searched for some scraps to eat, something no one would notice. It was hard because the food items were limited and mostly forbidden to me, however I managed to find a few slices of peach in a plate hidden in the far corners of the fridge. I took one out of the five and carefully placed the plate back where I found it. I ate it slowly, appreciating every bite I took and feeling it's sweet but slightly tangy flavour strike my taste buds. I filled the rest of my empty stomach compartments with two glasses of water. I heard a creak from the floor and looked around. The last thing I wanted was to be caught sneaking around the kitchen in the middle of the night. I hurried up the stairs, layed down and shut my eyes within seconds. It took a while, but I unknowingly drifted off to sleep.

The door slammed and I woke up suddenly. Yuni was in the bathroom which meant that I woke up late. Racing to the closet I withdrew a random shirt and jeans and changed before Yuni came out. When she did I was ready and I just had to wash my face and brush my teeth. She looked at me surprisingly and said " Well well, you took long to wake up sleeping weirdo."

I was used to her taunts, all I ever did was ignore them. She was taller and in good health in contrast to me. Sometimes I swear you could see the shape of my bones, especially toward my ribcage. In and out, it took me less than 3 minutes to wrap up my business in the bathroom. Yuni had already gone downstairs. I picked up my bag and followed. It was 7:25 am, still on time for school.

However school was to be the least of my worries that day. Upon my arrival I saw Yuni holding an empty plate towards mother, it was the same plate with the peaches. She whinned saying that she found the empty plate in the fridge. My heart began to ache out of fright, I knew where this would lead.

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