Chapter 5

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Serenity's point of view

That night dinner was awfully quiet; pin drop silence. We tried to enjoy the food, but the taste couldn't seem to wash out the bitterness at the table. Ryan had his self, to say the least. Grandpa too. They started with their verbal argument as soon as Hudson and Ryan came home. Apparently AVOC wasn't the best place for me to seek refuge. They soon went out of sight, in to the study, leaving Hudson, Ellis, Clyde and myself waiting for a resolution.

There was no point in arguing. There was no point in reliving the past. I know, I've been trying to run away from it ever since...

I find my serenity in taking in all that's good today, for I do not know if I will live through the same blessing tomorrow. We are all broken, but Ryan the most. He had to step up to evolve in to the father we all lost, and the mother that we all couldn't live without. Grandpa left, which was understandable, he lost two of his children that day. However, when Ryan lost Kristen, Grandpa didn't show. No matter how much I believe his apology, I still do have it in my heart, that he wasn't there as a guide when this family required him most. Ryan couldn't even mourn in peace, not with us around, he had to be strong even when he didn't want to. Thus said, he still carries her death upon her shoulders. Perhaps the one person who was affected the most, was lucky not to be here.


He was a blessing to Ryan and Kristen. Sending him away for the summer was one of the hardest decisions Ryan's ever made. This was the first time they were apart since the accident. His hair and skin went on Kristen's, black and slightly tan. His eyes were a total replica of Ryan's, deep, dark, sparkling blue. At 5 years old, well almost 5 anyways, he stood at 7 inches more than 3 feet off the ground, and with everyone in the family, besides me of course, standing at 6, he would often find himself lifted off the ground. He was loved by everyone, and that was a complete understatement.

It was, is, and will be hard for Ryan to accept Mennigin again. In some miraculous way, if we were a family again, we'd have our peace.

Ryan retreated to his room early in the night. I followed in a childishly cryptic way. When he sat on his bed, back towards the door, I saw my chance to pounce on him, which did not go as planned. He knew I was there. Obviously.

"Hey there, you seem mad and sad t'day" I said jumping on the bed. "What's up?"

He had a picture in his hand, and I knew immediately whose it was. Kristen.

Ryan and Kristen got married fairly young, they were both 22 and Ryan had just gotten involved in the family business, whereas Kristen was undertaking an internship as a journalist. Kristen was Ryan's first and last, I hoped from the deepest corners of my heart that I would find such truthfulness in a relationship. Tragedy struck only 2 months after they got married. My parents, correction, their parents and my adoptive parents passed away in a car accident. It was also the month when Kristen got pregnant with Dawn who was delievered in to this world before the end of the year. Kristen had always looked out for Ryan. She would wrap him up in safety, when, in times he felt so alone. Forlan and Mika were the best parents one could ask for, having that taken away was not easy. After Dawn, Kristen died in a car accident as well. Some started saying that our family was plagued. Maybe it was, maybe it had something to do with me.

"I'm sorry, I just can't open up to him this way, and today when you were go-" He was saying before I stopped him.

"I'm right here, and believe it or not he had no role in me running away, it's just the way I am and you know this better than anyone." I smiled and continued, "You don't have to accept him, I won't force you," I took his hand, "But don't let me lose him and don't be extremely repulsive towards him as well. You're not the only one who lost someone."

"He wasn't there to live through it!"

"Now he is."

"He's not innocent in all of this."

"I'm not saying he is, I'm saying that you should find it in your heart whenever you can to give him a chance, everyone deserves one."

"Dawn's coming tomorrow" He said after a pause, changing the topic.

"What? You called him over?" I said shockingly. He was scheduled to stay another 2 weeks with Kristen's sister, Kate.

"I need my family right now, and I need to see my boy" He said with a soft smile.

"When's he coming?"

"Tomorrow, I'll pick him from Central station."

I fell in to the pillows and sneaked out my eye, "You should have let him stay, but I'm glad he's gonna be back."

"Me too." He shut off the light and lyed next to me. "Good night, Godmother"

I sunk my face back in to the pillow and drifted in to slumber.


The next morning my eyes opened to the utterly annoying heat. Precipitation drew its way on to my face and the oiliness made it feel heavy. I got up to see Ryan still dead asleep despite the heat. The air conditioning must have faulted. The usual freshness after a long shower did not seem to last. Hudson, as usual, created and uproar till the the repairman came, and even after, continuously asking how long it would take for the torturous heat to finally cease.

I took the time to escape the estate and walk over to Village. Village was an extremely hospitable sanctuary for the elderly in town. Utmost preference was awarded to the guardianship of the individuals there. Students and Interns often visited to complete their community service hours, however, I would go there because the people were brilliant at making conversations. Many of the elderly were retired militants that still had a firmness in their voice, their stories would be the most interesting, like that of General Kiahs. Other's would keep themselves drowned in classic music; the way Mister Freebs works his fingers on the piano is something I am still spell bound by. But my favourite was Elaih. He could talk about the the journey across the world and back again but still have hundreds of tales left to tell. More than that he would give splendid advice.

I would not be there alone. Chase and Cara, two interns, befriended me during our time at Village. I was still wary of them but that came with my inability to trust. Nonetheless every moment was a little less dull and a lot more bright with them. I stopped somewhere half way to village when I came in close proximity to an alley way.

He pulled me by the hair and dragged me across pushing me, throwing me against the wall.

"You runaway from us again, I'll make you wish you were dead, I swear." He said with a low tone and a firm voice. He tightening his grip on my hair. "Will you leave?!"

I whimpered uncontrollably and couldn't find the strength to say the words I needed to between my gasps for air. He pushed me to the pavement.

"I asked you something!"

My head started spinning, in my attempts to straighten my vision I held his legs. He knelt down and slapped me.

"I'm so-sss-sorry, please, I-III- I'm.." I wanted to scream but my voice was sore from all the crying.

He picked me up and held me to my feet and in the most mischievous said "You know, I know you meet him, You know what I'll do to him? I leave him left for dead. I did it once and i can it again."

"No! Plea-please, I won't I promise, I'm here. I'll be g-gg-good." I sobbed harder and harder. I prayed for a saviour, who never came; for an escape from this hell.

"Good," He smiled, "I think I got through to you, now cmon, we'll get you fixed up for the inspector tomorrow, do exactly as we say." His tone was almost kind. "Or, I'll send Ryan where Swari belongs today."

My chest grew tighter and tighter suffocating me with every passing minute. I stepped back in a disorderly fashion, further away from my memories, away from it all. Hot tears rained down my plum red face as they did so many years ago. I turned to run, but in that moment, was blinded by the intense lights before me. All I remember was the car horn ringing, ringing, ringing in my ears.

Fade out.

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