Chapter 21

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My Inspiration

Although it may sound childish to give a room full of adults an essay topic we would normally tackle as kids, I think, we all need to have that one thing, place, or person that inspires us to keep going when we think we can't make it. Our inspiration.

My inspiration, in simple words, is Judge Victor Mort. We all know about his reputation as a dedicated lawyer and later judge. We've all read about him in some magazine or newspaper article. Some of you may know him personally, I do not. Some of you may have worked with him in some way, I have not. What I do know is that he was my second chance at life, something we all deserve. I want to be someone who is at peace with what they do, who have the faith to presumptuously say that they can change the world and no just cash in pay checks.

Someone somewhere out there needs help, needs a second chance at life, or just to start over. I know because I used to be that someone. I want to see the weak get stronger, the supressed rise against the opposition. I want to support the underdog, whoever they may be. Judge Victor Mort does that for a living, that is why he is my inspiration. Not just to try and become the best lawyer I can be through this programme but to see my hands give someone the relief they deserve; to be someones second chance.

Serenity Taylor

"Hudson!" We all yelled out to the phone.

"Hey! Woah I hear a lot of voices!" He sounded surprised and you can't blame him. He was calling on Ryans phone, the last thing he would expect was the whole house attending.

Dawn pushed his away through the adults and folded his hands on the table near the phone. "Well thats 'cause there's alotta people here."

"How you doin' lil man? I miss you."

"I'm good, I have school though. Life sucks when you're four." He sighed and we all laughed. "So are you having fun?"

"Well yea, parties, girls, money, thats all you can expect. "

"Psst, my birthday's coming, can you throw me a party?"

"Haha, sure, and don't worry, you're party is gonna make everyone jealous."

Dawn was hyper after hearing that, he grabbed a pencil and a paper and started making a huge list of how he wanted his party to be.

"Speaking of parties," Hudson continued, "Business Today is having their annual charity gala and guess who's organizing it?"

"Shut up!" I exclaimed. "Collin Quest?" I said teasingly.

"That...was not funny, the guy has no taste. But no kiddo you are wrong as usual. Yours truly will be organizing it and you b*****s are lucky because it isn't gonna be announced officially till next week." It was a good thing Dawn had his handy headphones, Ryan would really need them to zone out Hudson when necessary, which was all the time. We don't need a two kids cussing around the house.

"Wait, tell me whose on the cover of Business today?" I asked anxiously hoping that it was Ryan again.

"Umm, let me check...Ooo.. you are gonna be surprised."

"Who is it? Tell me now." I asked seriously.

"It's your boy X!" He yelled.

Xavier sat there trying to process what Hudson said while we kept congratulating him. Beth walked in and asked what all the commotion was about.

"Hey you beautiful excuse for a Nan, Xavier is gonna be on the cover of BT!" Hudson said despite Xaviers unsuccessful attempts at stopping him. He knew what was coming, we all did. Beth took his face and practically smeared it with every ounce of lipstick on her face.

"I'm so proud of you." She said giving him one last kiss on the cheek after which Xavier roughly wiped his whole face clean out of embarassment.

"Nan! Serenity's article was published in Heros of Today!" He had sealed my fate at the hands of Nan as well. Despite the blinding kisses on every inch of my face because of Hudson purposely trapping me, it was nice to hear his voice again. Ellis was drowned in work and so it would be harder to get a hold of him.

The whole point of the gala was to show off your stocks, finances, projects and plus ones. Yes, dates were compulsory for everyone. The charity part was really just a formality but I had no complaints because there was even competition in the amount you donate to charity so whether anyone wanted it or not the needy were actually the most benefitted from the whole thing.

I've always gone with either one of my brothers, usually Ryan since Hudson would have a change of date for every change of night. Ellis had a few girl friends but nothing serious, he was more of the work now party later type.

This year I expected Xavier to ask me since that was the whole point of us being together, I just had to wait until he did.

We sat surrounding the large plasma screen televison set and watched the classic series of Sherlock Holmes. Somewhere between the movie I fell asleep leaning on Ryans shoulder, however, it was not a peaceful nap. I could hear voices inside my head that I couldn't make out. Little did I know my sleep was constantly being disturbed with the TV turned on high volume. When I did realize this I unconsiouslly tried to reach everywhere beside me for the remote before feeling Ryans hand on my face. He said what I thought sounded like wake up so I struggled to open my eyes doing all in my power to prevent them from hurting due to the light from the screen. I heard the sound before I saw the picture.

"Breaking news - Renouned Judge and this months cover of Heros of Today; Victor Mort was found dead in his apartment. Authorities have not yet given a statement on this incident but this is a very sad turn of events indeed."

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