Chapter 3

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How significant is a moment, a minute, a second of any given day? Or are they nothing other than a fraction of the time we spent out of the amount we are allotted? Can a moment really twist your life in ways presently unimaginable? For those of you who know, and for those of you who don't, it takes only a moment to define the next chapters in your life, and this may come, either by chance, or by choice.

Ryan's point of view

Looking at the calendar repeatedly was not going to change the date, it did, however, trigger flashbacks of a moment I still struggle to forget. My constant trepadition was futile. The study began to feel unusually warm. Leaving my quarters to the company of the numerous books fencing it seemed best for now. As I entered the hallway, it seemed as if I had left another world behind. Relief.

The end of the hallway was inundated with the morning light. Beyond that, in the center of the room, sitting so peacefully were two of the three siblings I fathered. I folded my arms and leaned against the wall, trying to absorb the tranquility of the moment. Serenity sat besides Ellis and curved on to his shoulder and her delicate arms entangled Ellis's. Her hair fell to one side covering nearly half of her face while Ellis's eyes were fixed on the paper.

"Is it just me or did the whole house wake up before time?!" He yelled casually walking towards the kitchen counter in nothing but army green cargo shorts.

The serene environment was broken by the uproar. Hudson always had a habit to ruining perfect moments, usually, by accident. However, on countless occasions he has been so bold as to speak his mind without any regard for the people and places around him. That trait has served this family poorly. My mind shot straight to the impending ruckus that may initiate from forthcoming events. We were healing, or at the very most, trying.

"Whats wrong?" Serenity questioned, snapping me off of my train of thought.

"Nothing" I gave an untruthful smile, took my arm around and cupped my hand over her shoulder, inching her closer while trying to hide my absent mindedness.

"He's coming right? Today?"

I could feel the enthusiasm in her voice and it agitated me, every ounce of it, for I did not share the same.

"Well today is the day, lets s-" I was cut off before I could complete myself.

"Yeah how awesome would it be to have him back right? I mean all he did was abandon us, how bad is that? Hey Serenity why don't you throw him a welcome while you're at it" His tone was soft but filled with bitter sarcasm.

I wanted to intervene but Ellis shot back, "Yeah and I supposed your lazy ass is the one we turn to for help right?"

"Who said we need any? We're fine! And we definitely don't need any sympathy from an old fart"

"Enough! Neither of you know what we need! This family has been through enough, I will not let us eat each other up like cannibals over this! He will come, that's all you need to know for now, all your other opinions are pointless. So save your breath." I said furiously emphasizing individually on every word in my last sentence. I clenched my right hand in to a fist and at that point realization hit me, she wasn't under my arms anymore..

Out of everything, she was the best at running away . That's how it all began, with her running away from her old life and stumbling upon us in the process. I distinctly remember the day that changed it all. She was new at school and seemed determined to keep her existence hidden; a complete social outcast, it was hard to comprehend why I would notice her. Had anyone seen the plum red bruises on her arm they would have done the same. The answer to her isolation was concealed in her secrecy rather than personality. I saw her sitting in the deserted wide green football field near the end of the school semester. She had already caught my eyes on her a couple of times and in response I would give a smile only to make her move on, tightening the grip she had on the books that hugged her chest. She was crying, I could tell. I silently walked to, and sat besides her, waiting for her to tell me off. However, she just sniffled with her head in her hands. I reached forward to touch her arm only to cause her to fend it off.

"I think you need this" I said offering a tissue I took out from my jacket.

She lifted her head after a while and gently took it out of my hand. Her astonished face made me believe she was not accustomed to this kindness.

Very softly she said, "I think you should go now."

I smiled, took off my jacket and placed it on her shoulders without allowing her any time to react, and said "You know what, I think you need me"

I saw a weak smile form on her face and from that day forward, neither of our lives has been the same. This time, however, it was us she slipped away from.

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