Chapter 40 - Flashbacks

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Ryans point of view

The sun was up, the skies were crystal clear and there was a cool breeze that gently touched our faces from time to time. Yeah, it was a beautiful day.

The mouth watering smell of honey roasted chicken filled the air and attracted us towards the dining area outside the house. Everything was already set and waited for us to start munching down. The silver cutlery twinkled in the sunlight and felt warmer than it usually was. Two large dishes of brown fried rice were on both ends and sitting in the middle was an exuberant platter of chicken surrounded by a brightly coloured fruit salad.

The men all sat down, Kristen and Serenity came out to join us with the baby. Serenity strolles him down to where I was sitting and skipped to sit opposite to me. I raised the sun roof a tad to see if he was awake.

"Stop it!" Serenity threw a cold look my way. "If he wakes up you're gonna take care of him, kay?"

"He's my son." I replied. "How bad can he be?"

"This goes to show that you've never had to deal with him alone." I raised a brow and folded my hands over my chest. "I take care of him plenty of times!"

"No you don't" Hudson pointed out with a mouth fu of salad. "She does."

"I'm sorry, I'm kinda busy with the company, I wish I had some help." I eyed him and he smirked.

"Please don't start another war." She said playfully putting on a distressed look.

"This ain't a war Kris!" Ellis said. "It's our weirdly awesome love."

"Well save it for later, what are you all waiting for? Dig in!" She officialy started lunch.

We all held our stomachs afterwards. I don't know about everyone else but my stomach had enough but my mind was ready for more.

"I love this chicken." I snatched another piece from Serenitys plate.

"Hey! Hands on your own food." She laughed softly. "Stop eating and start getting ready."

I grabbed her hand from across the table and dragged her over to my side till she was sitting on my lap. "Any for my beautiful wife." I watched her beam gleefully and kissed her hand.

"Eww, public display of affection people." Hudson teased.

"Well if you think thats bad." Kristen winked back at him. "Watch this." She suddenly locked lips with me, I  wasn't prepared for it but to hell with that, I wasn't complaining.

"Okay enough." She stopped giggling. "Go get ready, I don't wanna be late." She ran her thin fingers through my hair and pouted.

"Sure." I kissed her on the cheek and got up to get ready.

Kristen and I never had a proper honeymoon. We were both stuck in the final years of our academic life, then when we did find time she was pregnant and my parents passed away. Throughout the pregnancy we made her stay at home tending to her every need. Now we had Dawn to deal with. I thought managing a company along with a runaway Grandpa was hard. Parenthood was a lot tougher.

So many times Kristen had sacrificed her sleep for me and took care of Dawn and my whole family. She never once complained. She was a stunning woman, almost like God carved her out just to make all other women jealous. She had wavy black hair, slightly tan skin and an hourglass figure. However her infinite kindness was why I fell for her in the first place. So when she asked me to take her to Creekside for a quiet honeymoon and post anniversary gift I really didn't want  to refuse.

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