Chapter 23

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"Anyone home?" Cara snapped her fingers in front of me pulling me out of a mindless stare. "What do you keep thinking about?" She asked pulling a long white dress against her chest and twirling about in front of the mirror.

"It looks nice." I preoccupied in doing nothing and yet still found that more enjoyable than going shopping for dresses. "I don't trust you now. You said the same about the last 3 dresses!" she grunted and sat besides me. "You don't really like this do you?" I shook my head instantly with a smile. I prefered doing any of my shopping with Ellis, with anyone else it was a complete drag, thus I missed him more than ever.

I wondered how Cara looked like beneath her thick black glasses, she was nearly blind without them. Lenses would dry out her eyes, some allergy I suppose, and I realized I had never really seen the colour of her eyes either. She had wavy golden hair that was either tied back in a bun or ponytail; her smile was adorable, you could see more of the metallic braces then the actual teeth. "Just pick one so we can leave." I whinned childishly. She made a face and bounced right back to her feet. "We still have to pick yours!" She exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air and with that she disappeared in to the racks of clothes before me.

Just thinking about the gala would make me queasy. I held my stomach, bent my head and swiped my toes back and forth on the fuzzy blue carpet observing the light and dark shades of blue the carpet would exhibit on my doing so.

There was a war going on in my head. "I was just used to him, thats all. Besides we're friends. And I don't care anyways I mean cmon..."

"Maybe you do.."

"Shut up, no I don't, I have a date anyways."

"But is it the one you want?"

"Get out of my head!" I shouted.

Just when I thought it was over I heard a devilish reply. "You keep me here.."

I held my head chanting a nursery rhyme to drown out my 'other half' so to say. "What the.." Cara stood there confused at the scene before her. "I leave you for two minutes and you go mad?"

My face turns bright red in embarassment. "We have to leave, pick your dress and we are out if here in 5 minutes. I'll be outside." Cara sadly nodded prehaps thinking that it would be useless to argue. The pleasent weather in the mall did not make it any easier to adjust to the dry heat outside. I hated summer, it was always so hot, I've always prefered autumn, the weather wouldn't be extreme and the trees would look like dancers, each with a different pose, each with a different colour. I saw a familiar face inching closer to me. Chase.

He was travelling fast, faster than I thought and thats when I realized he was on his skateboard - Viper, after his favourite car. "Hey!" He shouted waving his hand.

I waved back. "What are you doing here?" I asked when he was closer to avoid putting my throat through the trouble of shouting.

"Believe it or not guys shop too you know." I laughed and apologized.

"The question is why are you standing outside without anything? I thought YOU and Cara went SHOPPING."

"I..umm-" I let out a breath. "It's just so suffocating in there."

"With Cara it might as well be." I glared at him. "Sorry, anyways didn't you buy something?"

I kicked a few rocks on the pavement. "No I'm thinking of going in a tank top and jeans."

"Well then all eyes would definitely be on you." We both laughed this time. I suppose he saw Cara coming from inside the mall. "It's my cue to leave now." He patted me on the back. "I'll see you soon beautiful!" I smiled at the last part and walked back with Cara having to deal with all her teasing.

She drove an old mustang, as old as it looked she kept the inside pretty neat and tidy. She dropped me off home and I flew past everything and straight in to my room. There, right in the centre of the bed I saw a lavender gift box with a shinny white satin ribbon tied in a bow. A note with a jet black paper base was placed to the side of it. I came on to the bed and grabbed the note opening it slowly. The words were written in smooth white gel.

"Because I want you to look amazing. P.S. Sorry for being out of reach. - Love Ellis."

I slid the sides of the ribbon till the bow fell flat and lifted the lid. The box contained a deep purple dress. I took it out of the box and held it in front of the mirror. It was long and fell to my ankles and it had an amazing flow it. It was strapless and had an empire waistline with two purple flowers to its side. I quickly changed and felt the waistline perfectly hug me. My hair fell to just about a hands lenght from my shoulder where the dress started. I twirled in it and watch the dress lift up in a circle as I did. It wasn't amazing, or spectacular or great, it was simply perfect.

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