Max stuffed his hands in his pockets, and gave Harry an even look. "I know who you are, one of those one direction lads." He spat.

Harry clenched his teeth, and I looked between them, feeling the obvious tension.

"Um...Harry maybe we should go inside?" I asked, my voice high pitched.

He looked down at me, then nodded reluctantly. "Yeah, let's go." He started to pull me away, when Max's hand held my arm, stopping me.

"It was nice meeting you, and let me know about coming to our concert." He said, smiling genuinely.

"Uh, yeah sure." I said, then let Harry drag me inside.

I followed behind him hastily, I could tell he was pist. His eyes were filled with anger, and his jaw was clenched, making his jawline more defiant.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked, breathlessly. It wasn't easy hauling ass in heels.

"I'm just trying to get us to our seats."

"Well can you slow down before I fall flat on my face?"

His pace slowed, but he still wouldn't look at me. We walked into the ampitheater, and down several stairs before we reached our seats. The boys were already there, and I sat next to Niall, Harry sitting on the other side of me. He let go of my hand as soon as we were seated, and I frowned. For some reason I actually missed him holding my hand, even if it had only been five seconds since he last held it.

He was leaning away from me, his arm resting on the arm rest. He stared straight ahead, not bothering to look at me.

"Can you please tell me what your problem is?" I muttered.

He didn't look at me as he spoke. "I hate that guy."

"Why? He seemed nice."

He turned to me, scoweling. "Why the hell were you even talking to him?"

"I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to talk to other guys."

"I never said you weren't, but you guys were all flirting and shit." He said, lifting his hand to brush his hair back.

He must be really pist, he never cusses.

"I was not flirting. But even if I was, why would it matter."

He laughed sarcastically. "You are so oblivious."

"I'm not, I just don't get why the hell it matters who I talk to." I turned in my seat, staring straight ahead at the other people being seated. I glanced to my right a few rows down, and noticed Max sitting there. He had his back turned to me, but as if he felt me staring, he glanced over his shoulder and our eyes met.

His eyes lit up as he smiled at me. I felt my lips turning up into a smile, and he waved to me. I waved back, then dropped my hand suddenly remembering Harry was next to me.

I turned to look at him, but he had already seen. He was glaring at Max, his eyes fuming. His eyes slid from Max to me, and I shrunk back from the hostility in them.

He let out a sigh and shook his head, then leaned over, our faces only an inch apart.

"It matters, because you talk to him for two minutes and you're all shits and giggles, I spend the whole week trying to make you understand how much I like you, and you shut me out. That's why it fucking matters."

I sit there in shock, staring at him. He stares into my eyes, then leans away from me, shaking his head. He turns his attention back to the stage, and doesn't bother speaking to me for the rest of the award show.


The Teen Choice Awards had gone okay, the boys won several awards and they were happy. Harry didn't pay much attention to me during the show, until he won the awards. He would stand up, hug me quickly, and walk off with the rest of them, then ignore me again once he came back to his seat. They performed, and I had to admit they did amazing, and Harry was full of energy when he was on stage, but once again was back to not speaking to me when he came back. It was irritating.

We were walking down the hallway to our hotel room, neither one of us speaking. I hated when he gave me the silent treatment, but I didn't know what else to say to him.

He opened the door, and I walked in behind him and shut the door. He sauntered towards the edge of the bed, unbuttoning his long sleeved black shirt, and tossing it on the floor.

"Can we talk?" I asked to his back.

He didn't turn around as he unbuckled his black jeans and pulled them down. I blushed, but was too annoyed to even look away.

"There's nothing to talk about." He said.

"Obviously there is. If there wasn't you wouldn't be giving me the silent treatment."

"Well then, I don't want to talk."

I stomped my foot, groaning in annoyance. "You are so childish! You expect me to know what's wrong, but HELLO I can't read your mind!"

He spun around, his face contorted with anger. "I'M childish?! Says the girl who stomps her foot like a five year old when she's pist."

I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling the anger boiling. "Really? You're the one who's giving me the silent treatment!"

"I'm not! I just don't want to talk to you!"

"Why not?! Because I smiled at Max?"

"Yes! Because you barely met the guy and you're being all nice to him, but with me you're just a bitch all the time!"

"You're a dick."

"Like I said you're a bitch."

"Really? That's all you got?"

"Yes it is! You wanna know why?! Because I happen to think you're amazing, and yeah, you can be stubborn as hell but I don't have anything bad to say about you!"

"I have tons to say about you."

"And none about Max?" He spat.

I stopped, staring at him. "Are you jealous?"

"What? No." He said quickly.

"I can't believe it." I laughed. "You're jealous."

"You know what? Fine! I am jealous, because that guy made you smile in the first few minutes you met him and I can't even do that for you! He made you like him just like that and you can't even stand me! Just FUCK! I hate this! I hate that I like you so much when none of it even matters!" He yelled.

I stood there staring at him in amazement. He thought I liked Max. He really thought Max could out do him.

But the thing was, he couldn't. I barely even knew Max to begin with, yeah, he seemed like a nice guy but his laugh hadn't send chills down my body the way Harry's did. His eyes weren't the most beautiful green I had ever seen, not like Harry's were. And I didn't feel sparks when he smiled at me. Not like I did with Harry.

I took a step towards him, suddenly feeling confidence overpower my fear of being close to him.

"You have no reason to be jealous." I said calmly.

He wasn't looking at me. "Yeah I know, because I have no right to be. Because I don't own you, because you don't belong to me, because-"

I cut him off, feeling the confidence burst through me as I grabbed the back of Harry's neck, pulling his head down and bringing his lips to mine.

Our Darkest Secrets (A Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now