Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Chad took a swing at him, nearly hitting the Hollow strait in the gut. 

“Heh…what the?!” he said as Chad continued swinging, but in the completely wrong direction. “His luck is incredible!! He can’t even SEE me!!”

“Over here!” Rukia yelled, still on the ground covered with minis. “Chad!! Kick above me!!”

Chad followed her instructions and removed all the mini-Hollows in one fell swoop. 

The Hollow, amazed, went back into the air, his wings making a fwap, fwap sound as he beat them in the sky. Chad must’ve heard the wings, ‘cuz he started punching aimlessly again, looking like a total retard. I chuckled a bit.

“Not over there!!” Rukia yelled. “He’s in the air again!!”

With this amateur display, I thought to myself, you wouldn’t think Rukia’d been a Shinigami for over forty years. 

“Air!” Chad said as if he’d made the discovery himself. 

“Don’t worry!” Rukia assured. “I’ve got an idea!” She explained her theory to Chad, and before I knew it, Rukia was rolled up like a ball and Chad was holding her as if he was about to sling her. 

“Uh, new girl,” he said hesitantly. “Are you sure…you want to do this?”

“Yes!” she said decidedly. “We’ve got to combine your strength and my senses!! Now throw me!”

“No offense, but…this doesn’t seem very mature.” Chad said bluntly. 

Rukia soundly ignored him, the exact opposite of what she said: “Your comment is duly noted.”

He sighed, deciding that it was probably best to just go along with whatever the new girl said. 

“Now throw me at the monster!” Rukia ordered, her face completely serious, even with this ludicrous idea.

“Where is he?” Chad asked confusedly. 


He threw her roughly and she catapulted into the sky. It seemed like a perfect plan, except for the fact that Chad missed completely, so much that the Hollow didn’t even see Rukia flying. 

She landed gracefully and ran back to Chad, heaving a bit (she was seriously out of breath). “Okay,” she said, obviously not pleased with the first attempt. “Let’s try this again!”

Chad picked her up and put her in the same position she was when they missed. 

“That was too high!!” she shrieked. “I’m not fireworks!!” She smiled as Chad adjusted a bit. “Perfect!! That’s it!!” She tensed, mentally preparing for launch. “Ready…LAUNCH ME!!”

Meanwhile, the Hollow was being a total arrogant douche up in the sky. “Heh…look at ‘em.” he said, smiling smugly. “He won’t be swatting me with any more telephone poles…”

Suddenly, Rukia was shot into the air, directly at the Hollow. 

“What the!!?” he shrieked, obviously surprised by her sudden attack. 

“I told you,” she said, smirking proudly. “Give up!”

The Hollow’s face went shocked. “No!” he shrieked. “Okay, I give up!! Don’t hurt me anymore!!”

Rukia’s smirk grew, but I silently scoffed at her. Rukia, you fool, I thought silently. He’s just playing you! Don’t fall for his trap!But, of course, my silent pleas affected Rukia naught. She was completely fooled.

“Psych!” he laughed, releasing another mini-Hollow that launched itself at Rukia. But this one was different: it took both of its scrawny, bony hands and squeezed the back of its head, making it’s forehead split open, releasing a huge blob of…


They pounded Rukia, so much that she lost her footing (in the sky, I guess) and plummeted to the ground. Thankfully, Chad caught on quickly and rushed ahead, catching her roughly. But at least she was caught.

“What happened?” Chad said, releasing her and looking genuinely concerned. 

“Unh…” she groaned, obviously more annoyed than in pain. “He caught me by surprise…” she struggled, trying to pull the slimy creatures off her. “Ngh…what? Leeches? “YUCK!” she spit. “GET OFF!”

The Hollow, still in the sky, snickered. “Heh he heh! Oh,” he practically purred, “these are special leeches little girl!” He roughly hit the ground with a tmp. “Once they stick, they don’t come off too easy!!” His eyes narrowed dangerously. “And they have other talents!! They’re my ARTILLERY!!”

Before anyone had even a smidgen of a second to react, the Hollow shot out its tongue, revealing its weapon: a hole in his tongue that nearly split it in half. It started to vibrate, making a high-pitched, annoying REEE! sound. Upon hearing the racket, the leeches tensed and…



Tweedle-dee, tweedle-dum....

Okay, so I've recovered and got a new chapter out!!!! Gomen again for the lateness!!! Hope you guys like it!!! COMMENT, vote, fan, whatever!!! Unlike most Wattpadders,  FLAMING IS APPRECIATED! At least its a comment! At least it's feedback!

Thanks, guys!


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