He turned around and set his glass on the table and looked at me, "Liam can take care of that. Now please leave."

"I... Uh... Alright," I whispered.

He grew annoyed, "I said you can leave."

I stood up straight, "all I was doing is asking a question, I don't know who pissed in your cereal this morning but don't take it out on me."

Harry's jaw locks and looks me dead in the eyes, "don't you dare talk to me like that."

I scoffed, "you may be some big tough guy here, you can shoot me dead in a second but I'm not scared of you anymore."

"I wouldn't let your guard down sweetheart, you haven't seen what I'm actually capable of," he smirks.

"Well good for you and your ego. I'll go ask Liam to train me, see you later, " I turn on my heel towards the door. As I walked out of that room I swear I heard glass shatter against the wall, just when I thought he was warming up to me.

I continued to walk, ignoring my confrontation between Harry and I, and continued onward towards Liam's room. I lightly knocked and he immediately opens and smiles at me, "what's up?"

"I need your help with something, can you help me with hand to hand combat?" I asked.

He stares at me for a second, "I thought Harry was going to continue to help you with that?"

"Well he said to come ask you instead, and well we had a bit if an argument so I doubt he'll help me now," I shrugged. Liam shook his head but agreed to help me. I waited for him to get changed while I waited for him and we walked down to our new training facility.

"Get your gloves and we'll start," Liam instructs. I nodded and grabbed my gloves and headed back to the punching bags, he looks down to me, "ready?"

I use the techniques I remember and stand with my arms in position and my stance.

"Okay let's see how good you are first, ready, go, " Liam said.

I begin to punch and I use my legs to kick the sides, I remember my argument with Harry and I build off my anger with that.

"Good, keep going!" Liam says, watching me carefully.

I continued my kicks, my legs were hurting now but I continued to kick. The sweat begin to lightly trickle down my forehead, and my breathing became heavy and my legs keeping their pace. I stopped and took a step back to catch my breath.

"Pretty good, you're not very strong but we can keep working on that. All we need to do is build that up," Liam explains. I nodded, "fair enough."

We continued for another good hour and then in the corner of my eye I see Harry coming in. I stopped once more and looked over.

"He has quite the nerve," I spat.

"Just let go of it," Liam says. And I noticed Jerry, one of the fitness trainer looking at me and then walking over to Harry and started talking. I ignored them and continued with my training, as now I was dripping with sweat.

"Liam mate, " Jerry now comes over, he looks over at me and smiles, "Julia... I can't help but notice that you've improved since the day you walked in here."

Liam seemed rather annoyed, "what do you want Jerry?"

"A little bet here. How about Julia here take on one of my smallest men to see how well she's been doing," Jerry grins, it made me almost cringe.

Liam steps towards him, "why?"

"Well she's the only female here, well I want to see if she can keep up with us."

I Now grew annoyed and said, "I assure you if I make it out every single mission without a bullet through my skin, I think I clearly can keep up with you... Men."

"I can see, but we're talking about guns here darling, not hand to hand combat," he sneers.
"Mate, just walk away and shut the fuck up," Liam growls.

"Just a proposal, we want to see here what Julia is really worth."

Don't do it Julia.

"I'll do it," I say.

Fuck you did it, you dumb fuck.

Liam looks back at me and looks me in the eyes, "are you sure?"

I nodded, "yes." Actually no I wasn't but I opened my big mouth.

"Great, let's go to the fighting square," Jerry nods and walks off.

Liam hurried next to me, "Julia I don't think this is a good idea. I feel it's not going to end well."

"I'll stop once I know I can't handle any more," I reassure him.

He shakes his head, "I still don't like it."

The fighting square was like a mat square where we do mini fights. It wasn't like a boxing ring, it didn't have anything around it so you could potentially be thrown into the 'audience'.

I stood in the middle and now everyone saw what was happening they gathered around. I saw Harry coming in as well, but keeping his distance. I looked at my opponent, he was slightly taller than me but he was pretty lanky from what I see. He smirks at me, clearly showing his ego.

"Alright, now we have here a little hand to hand action. No weapons, or anything in that sort. First person to be thrown out, pinned to three or unconscious loses," Jerry announces.

I stood in position, as did my opponent, everyone were all watching and Jerry's voice ring, "go!"

I paced with my feet and my opponent immediately tries to punch me, but I managed to block but stumbling me backwards.

Now I was starting to think this was going to end really bad.

I tried to throw a punch but failed, he takes the chance and punches me on my jaw. I once more stumble back but regain my stance and blocked another punched. This time when he punched, I kicked his rib and he fell on one knee. He stood back up and rushed towards me, I kicked once more and he fell to the ground and once more he got back up. All of a sudden he stands back up but just stands there, I looked at him confused. What was he doing? And in a split second he charges towards me, but I was still in a state of confusion and I was knocked off my feet onto my back.

"This is when it gets fun doll," my opponent says. He leans down towards me and kicks my side and I scream in pain. He then grabs my head and hits against the floor.

I hear Liam shouting, "Stop the fight! What the hell is that?!"

I pushed the guy off for a few seconds while I try to see clearly, I stand up and suddenly I'm punched in the face and once more thrown down to the floor, this time flat faced. I felt the guy grabbed my hair and I knew what was next, everything seemed blurry and my hearing started to ring and the next thing I knew my head was rammed into the floor and everything turned black.


Okay, so I had a bit of inspiration for this chapter by Divergent. Good book/movie. Anyway, wanted to let you. And the gif is from the movie, except you know Julia has short hair and is a Latina.

qotd: How do you think Julia has progressed as a person in the den? And what kind of feelings do you think she has towards Harry? How do you define Julia's relationships with all the boys?

I'm just curious towards what you think. And thanks for reading! Love you all, as always.


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