Seeing her like this, it made me think something happened between her and Harry and she was trying to hide the fact he did something to her. That's what I thought of. That he said something that scared her away, she's only 18 and Harry could be moving things too fast for her liking. Or maybe she wants more and he doesn't. Harry can be very stubborn with the girls he's with. 

"I-I-Promise you won't tell anyone?" she asked. "I don't need anyone to know" she continued. 

"I promise" 

"That includes Louis" she spoke seriously. "Please don't say a thing, I need to tell them..."

"Lottie what's going on?" Worry was filling my body. I was worried she had hurt herself.

"I think I'm pregnant" she whispered. But  I caught it. I heard every word she spoke and I think my heart dropped. I'm not even related to her or her boyfriend but panic struck me hard. "I-I'm late. I'm never late, and... And I took a test, I'm waiting"

"How? How did this happen? Harry would never not be safe... He's gonna freak... Louis will freak" 

"I know" she sobbed. Her face fell in her hands and she cried. I couldn't let her sit there and be sad, I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her smaller body. We were like that for a minute when a faint beeping filled the silence. 

Lottie pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes. It was the test. She picked it up from where it sat on the ground and looked at it. She frowned and grabbed the box, looking at what the different symbols meant. She began to cry again. Before I could ask, she spoke.

"I-I'm pregnant... Niall I don't know how this could have happened, or what to do. Oh God. Help me" I was in shock. I didn't know how to deal with this. I've never thought of what I would do, I'm gay, I don't have to worry about knocking a girl up. 

"I... You need to tell Harry" she bit her lip and looked at the test in her hand. "I'll help you, tomorrow I'll be with you if you need" 

"Thank you Niall" she wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back. "I'm really worried Niall, Louis is going to kill me"

If Harry reacted bad to her dating Harry, he will definitely flip at this.

"Don't worry about Louis. Just talk to Harry, both sort out what's going to happen. You tell him when its the right time"

She nodded her head and wiped at her eyes. She thanked me again and left the bathroom.

"Tomorrow you'll help?"

"Of course" the door closed and I was alone.

Now not only could I not sleep from my own racing mind. But now I had Lottie's issue as well. I walked to the sink and splashed water on my face, I needed to cool off and relax my body. Maybe that will help me sleep.

Once I dried my face on the nearest towel I headed back to my bed. Climbing in and managing to fall asleep. It seemed like minutes when I was awoken by my covers being pulled off my body and Louis climbing on my lap.

"We're here" he smiled and kissed me. I was too tired. I tried to put effort in but he pulled away with a pout. "What's the matter?"

"Tired" I mumbled and tried to roll over. "Lemme sleep"

"But Niall" he whined, bouncing on my lap. I groaned. 

"Louis stop. Its morning and I'm tired, I didn't sleep well" 

"Fine, but we're here and everyone is getting off" Louis told me and climbed off my bed. I guess I should get up and have a coffee, that should help me with the day. 

The Next Morning //Nouis// boyxboy ✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin