I stayed still, forcing my body not to move despite its craving for the blood. For any blood. I would not let them control me. I would starve myself if I had to.

"Don't be like that, Becs, just drink it," Damon sighed. "We don't want you to starve, we just don't want you slaughtering people everywhere you go. You've began to raise a lot of suspicion around the country, since you've not exactly been discreet."

I stayed silent and remained frozen in place. I would not break. Damon sighed, before lifting the cup and tipping its contents on to the cellar floor, "Your loss, I'll be back later in case you change your mind."

I sighed as he left and curled up into a ball. It was times like this that I was so glad I didn't have emotions or feelings, because I could only imagine the betrayal, hurt and anger I'd be feeling. Not it mention the guilt of killing all those... Innocent people...

No. Stop it. Just because they've dragged you back to Mystic Falls and you are around the people you... Love. No. You will not let them break you. When Elijah or Stefan comes to visit you, appeal to their better nature, pretend that you've changed, that you're human again. If you can manipulate them well enough, then you'll be able to escape. Then you'll get on the next plane out of here.

I don't know how long I waited for my next visitor, but it seemed like hours. I smelled the blood before I saw them appear at the door. Although, it most certainly wasn't who I was expecting. "You don't look so good, love."

"You don't look so great yourself, Niklaus," I muttered sarcastically, having no energy left in my body to think of another witty remark.

"Have some blood," He offered me the cup, with a similar amount of blood in to Damon's.

"I don't need your pathetic offering," I snapped. "You're lucky that I switched my humanity off, because I felt a whole world of hate and hurt towards you after the stunt you pulled at locking me inside that coffin. I'm surprised they're even letting you see me."

"Yes, well, I suppose I have some making up to do," He shrugged, "But you're a lot nicer when you've got your humanity on."

"Since when do you like nice?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

He laughed, draining the cup of blood before tossing it aside, "I suppose, despite not wanting to admit it, I did like you... I'd go as far to say I saw you almost as a sister."

"Which is why you locked me in a coffin, because that's what you do to all your siblings. I see why you did it now, kind of like a welcome to the family thing? Why didn't you just say so and none of this needed to happen?" I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"Very funny, love, but no," His eyes narrowed at me, "It doesn't matter why I did it now, because it happened months ago. What matters is the fact that so many people love you and want you back, so why don't you quit playing the stubborn baby and flip your switch back?"

"Because I don't want to. You, out of all people, must understand how fun it is to not have a care in the world. To not have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings, or covering up a kill, or what people are going to think of you. It's thrilling living without a care in the world," I replied, "So no, Niklaus, I will not turn my humanity on again. And none of you will make me."

"We'll see about that, love," He smirked and walked away.

Letting my head fall back against the wall behind me, I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off into sleep again. There was nothing else to do in this damned place, and I probably wouldn't get another visitor soon so there really wasn't anything else to do except sleep.

Or try to. Every time I seemed to drift off I felt a panic rising in my chest for a strange reason. I would wake with a jolt in a fright. But that shouldn't be happening, after all I'm not supposed to feel anything without my humanity... Were they really getting to me already? Maybe it was just because I was weak now, since I had vervain in my system and was refusing blood. That would make sense.

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