V2 Chapter 1: The Graduation

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Walking slowly up onto the stone stage, the crowd yells and cheers for me as I ascend the stairs. During the [Spring Tournament] last year, Thoth explained to me that these people never disliked or hated me, but in fact, they were all in awe of me and respected me. After having that explained to me, I realized that what she said was in fact true, and that I was misunderstanding them previously. Though I still don't know why the other students avoid me whenever I'm walking through the hallways in school.

"Aria Brynhildr, as the only student in [Krystalis Academy's] history who's ever gotten a perfect score in the final exam, you have earned an [S-Ranked] status upon graduation! With an unlimited amount of potential for the future, you are the pride and joy of our school. We wish you the very best, and that you will be successful during your time as an adventurer." I'm handed a certificate that was made of real gold, and a bronze card which is my official [Adventurer's Card].

Every teachers, students and parents watching begins applauding loudly. I wave at them as I walk back down the stairs, rejoining the line of students. The ceremony continues, the rest of the graduating students being called up to the stone stage. After being given their certificates and [Adventurer Card], the principal begins making a final speech. Unfortunately, it looked like something was going to interrupt it.

In the sky, a shadow was circling around above the arena before it dives straight down at us. Several people notice it, pointing at it and yelling in surprise, before they begin starting to evacuate the arena. They were too slow, though, and the figure smashes right on top of the arena, grabbing at the edges of the building. It spreads its giant, red, scaly wings before roaring loudly.

A creature that shouldn't exist in this world, a huge monster larger than the arena building itself. Something that inhabits the mythical [Dungeon World], [Epifiny]. The weakest of its kind, but still a [Legend Tier] beast.

"It's a [Red Dragon]!" A sudden cry from one of my classmates begins as the chaos inside the arena befells.

Non-combatants try to escape as soon as possible, but several brave warriors steps forward and faces the dragon. Every teacher, some parents from the crowds, even some of my fellow classmates go up to challenge the beast.


What about me?

Obviously I'm already outside the arena, walking away. I just graduated, I have no obligation to help the school now. It's their problem, not mine.
"Ah, welcome home Aria!" My father greets me in the hallway when I enter through the door.

"...mom home yet?" I ask as I take off my shoes at the entrance.

"Sorry, no..." He sadly replies.

The usual cheerful attitude of the house wasn't present at the moment. She was currently out on an emergency quest issued by the kingdom. It's the second week since she had left, and it was quiet without her. If she was here, there'd probably be some sort of celebration for this with balloons all over the house and a cake as well.

"I couldn't make it to your graduation as well, I'm sorry about that too. The kingdom requires me to finish this research assignment as soon as possible." He unlocks the door to the basement, where his study was located.

"Research about?" I ask him quickly, curious about the subject.

"[Summoning Magic]. Apparently, he wants to summon a person from another dimension. A new [Hero] of some sort, though I see no reason to do so." He explains to me.

"...confidential?" Normally information like this isn't supposed to be known to civilians.

"It is, but you're not someone who would spread it easily, so it's fine. I need to get back to work, so we'll talk later, okay?" He descends the stairs quickly, shutting the door behind him.

I sigh to myself and head upstairs to my room, feeling a bit saddened. Having my parents too busy to celebrate an important occasion with me is a lonely thing. I quickly change my thoughts to something else though, trying to distract myself from this fact. It wouldn't be any good to remain depressed. I think about what my plans should be for tomorrow, when my cell phone started ringing in my bag. I quickly search my bag for it, and answer it as I pull it out.

"Hey-hey Aria! You just graduated today, didn't you!?" Thoth's voice appears through the phone before I could even greet her.

"...yes." I reply quietly to her.

"Then tomorrow, let's go register ourselves into the [Adventurer's Guild]! I'll come to your house at 10:00, so we'll go together! See ya!" Cheerfully hanging up on me, the phone went silent.

Although rare, this is usually how most of our calls went. It was because I didn't talk much, so we usually did most of our interactions through text or in person. I don't know why she called me this time, but she did remind me of a very important thing I nearly forgot. This sets my plans for tomorrow, and I'm able to forget my loneliness for a bit.

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