V2 Prologue: The Future

Start from the beginning

As if she was going to hang out with a bunch of friends, she had casual clothing on. She wore a denim jacket, with a white tank top underneath it, and had denim shorts that reveals a huge portion of her thighs. On her back was a long rectangular box, and two swords were sheathed on each side of her waist. The bird men didn't know this, but she actually had many, many more weapons stored away in a [Spatial Pocket].

"...too many monsters." The girl mutters to herself, as she leaps off the ledge.

She lands about 10 meters in front of the group, blocking the way to their destination. Upon hitting the ground, a small fissure was made due to the combined weight of the weapons she was carrying at the moment. This scene, along with the aura and appearance of someone ready for all out war, fear was running through the entire group.

"What are you all doing cowards!? It's only a girl standing in front of us right now!" The leader yells.

"We have an entire army of soldiers here, and there's only one person that stands in our way! There's no reason to be shaking in your boots, just from the mere sight of her! Get your act straight and stand in formation properly!" Some of the army's morale returns from this speech, but the unease was still in their hearts.

"...bird soldiers?" The girl speaks her thoughts out loud, confused.

There were several non-human creatures in front of her right now, all wearing equipment for war. She wasn't aware of the current situation, so she didn't realize what was happening right now. The announcement didn't reach her because she was practicing [Spatial Magic] by traversing between self-made dimensions.

"Do you really dare stand in the way of the [Valkins]? Every soldier here is at least a [D-Ranked] [Immortal Tier] monster, so you have no chance of survival!" The bird general yells to the girl.

"...special dungeon event." She mutters.

That's the conclusion she reached for herself, so she ignored the words of the general, and grips the sword on her left waist by the handle. Both swords had it's own properties, and the one she uses depends on the situation she's in. In this case, massive group combat, she chose her favorite sword; the [Zephyr Rage]. It was a [Katana], a weapon more commonly seen in the eastern parts of the world.

"Hah, foolish child... Reil, go kill her." Commanding one of his soldiers forward, he turns around and faces the rest of the army.

"See!? Like I said, there isn't anything to fear! Just a lone g-" A loud cry suddenly comes from behind him, and he turns around quickly to see the bird man he just sent, sprawled on the floor.

The girl stood there normally, as if she didn't move at all, hand still on the hilt of her sword. The soldier's upper body was separated from his lower one, and a long line of blood trailing on the walls. It was as if he was cleaved in half with an oversized sharp object, but all the general could see was the girl standing there with her swords sheathed. The girl took a step forward. The aura of death was even stronger, now that they've just witnessed the death of one of their own men in front of them.

"A-a-attack!" The leader yelled, and the soldiers immediately followed that command.

Their opponent continued walking calmly, and as soon as the vanguard was about to hit her, she unsheathed her [Katana]. Swinging horizontally at them at a speed equal to a bullet, she cleaves through the heavy armor of the frontline soldiers, killing several of them at once with the thin, long weapon. A shockwave came from the slash, blowing away the rest of the vanguard back as if a large explosion went off right in front of them.

As the girl follows her swing all the way with her left arm, her right hand raises up parallel to her shoulder, an object in it that wasn't seen on her body before. A weapon commonly seen amongst races with modernized technology, a [Magic Gun]. More specifically, a [Magnum], and it was the strongest of its kind; the [HNTR].

She fires the gun, and a huge explosion of extreme flames occurs in the middle of the ranks. The explosion completely annihilated anyone caught in it, and the heat from the explosion greatly affected those outside of its range. Their armor melted and stuck to their skin, while others had their leather armor set on fire, burning to death.

Already, about 25% of their army fell in an instant.The formation was broken, but the soldiers haven't completely lost their minds yet, still remaining somewhat calm. The leader was still alive as well, but deep feelings of regret filled his heart. He should've followed the suggestion of his subordinate, but was overconfident by the power of their numbers, leading them into this situation.

The girl lets go of the gun in hand, and it fades into the air, disappearing completely. The soldiers began charging at her again, while archers and mages prepared to fire from the back. Their target also went on the offensive, running towards the remaining army head on. The first spearman to reach her leaped towards her, leaving himself completely open to try to at least scratch her. It was a bad choice on his end, because the girl easily dodges his suicide attack, and cuts right through his waist.

A swordsman rushes towards her with his shield out, trying to bash her with it, but with a front kick, the girl sends him rolling across the ground with the force of it. Before he could get up, she finished him off by summoning an [Earth Spike] from the ground, piercing through his head.

Several more frontline soldiers surround her, but suddenly, she blurred on the spot for a whole second, before standing still again. Slowly, one by one, the soldiers that surrounded her fell apart into pieces.

"Archers, mages, fire! Soldiers, stand back!" The leader yells out, and immediately a huge volley of arrows and spells were fired at her.

"...go, Crystal." Raising her sword hand, a small tattoo was glowing on it, as the tatoo fades away, a bright line shone in front of her, as magic particles gathered to create a large, long figure. When the light faded, a huge snake of ice was in front of her, and it immediately uses its body to absorb the incoming volley. The arrows embed themselves into its body, while the magic is simply absorbed.

The snake hisses at the soldiers, its massive size extremely intimidating to the army. Their morale lowers even further, and many begin to start running away. The snake chases the fleeing bird men, their bodies visible within the snake of ice as it eats them. At the sight of this, the leader began running for his life as well.

In response to this, the girl sheathes her [Katana], and removes the large, rectangular box on her back. Placing it on the ground, she opens the large box, revealing parts of a weapon that she recently fell in love with. A long ranged [Magic Gun] that is far more powerful than any other [Physical Guns] when it comes to single shot damage, the [Sniper Rifle].

"...live target practice." She says to herself with a smile.

Assembling the parts together, she completely puts together the weapon that reaps lives from far away. The girl climbs the mountain after putting it together, returning to the ledge she originally sat on. Upon reaching it, she gets on her knees, and aim the weapon down the pass, looking through the scope.

She takes a deep breath, then holds it, keeping herself as still as possible. Searching through the crowd of monsters, she positioned the crosshair on the head of a running soldier, before pulling the trigger. The sound of the bullet being fired from the [Magic Gun] was very similar to that of thunder, and the projectile hit its target even before the sound went off. Not only did it burst apart the head, it also exploded on the spot due to a [Projectile Enchantment] the girl applied to the bullet before firing. A wall of inferno blocks the entrance to the pass, not allowing anything to enter or exit the [Dungeon Field].

The soldiers could no longer escape, as they become prey to a weapon they had no way of countering. The girl continues to fire on the army, while the snake bursts through at high speeds, eating up several soldiers at once. Their numbers quickly dwindled, before it was reduced to a single bird man left alive, trembling in place. The girl jumped down from the ledge again, and slowly walked to him. The snake slithers to the girl's side, and fades into magic particles that turns back into the tattoo on her left hand.

"W-w-who the hell are you exactly!?" The general stutters out, slowing walking backwards, away from her. The girl raised the gun with only her right hand, and pointed it at his head.

"...Aria." Was the final word he heard, before his vision became black.

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