My eyes widened as I saw Elijah standing in the doorway, the humans heart in his hand. "Elijah?" I whispered, feeling something strange inside of my chest. I forced it down and added, "I hope you realise you just killed my breakfast. Now I'm going to have to find more."

"Get up, I'm taking you back to Mystic Falls," Elijah said, keeping his face blank and his voice monotonous, like he was trying to mask his true feelings.

I smirked as I threw the covers off of my naked body and stood up, enjoying the way he tried to fight himself from looking away from my face. He didn't succeed. "How about we have some fun before you drag me back to that hell hole?" I asked as I walked over to him slowly, letting him drink in the sight of the body he'd been missing for months now. How long had I even been gone? "I know this bar down the road where you can pick a cute little blonde and I'll pick up a hot footballer player, we'll come back here and have some fun before feeding until our bodies can't hold anymore blood."

"Get dressed Rebecca, I'll wait for you in the other room," Elijah said sternly before leaving the room.

"And since when do I do as you tell me to?" I called to him as I pulled on a dressing gown and followed him out of the bedroom.

"Well, apparently not since I thought you were dead," Elijah rolled his eyes at me, getting frustrated that I wasn't doing what he wanted me to.

"Don't judge me," I glared at him, "You have no idea what I went through in that box, and when I was released every time I closed my eyes it felt as though I was reliving it."

"I would have helped you through it, I still will, just come back with me. I love you, Rebecca," He looked at with me so much love in his eyes that my heart began beating faster. I felt a surge in my chest, but forced myself to look away from him and clear my head. He was just trying to get me to turn my humanity back on.

"Your way of helping me was to lock me in a cellar and fill me up with vervain. I don't need your help, I'm coping perfectly fine on my own, so you can leave now," I said calmly, keeping my face blank.

"By killing hundreds of people across the country? Having sex and feeding is your way of coping?" Elijah spat angrily.

"As a matter of fact it is, and it is working brilliantly. Before you showed up I barely thought of you or Mystic Falls, and I definitely didn't think of that damned coffin. So why don't you just go back to Mystic Falls and move on, like I have," I turned on my heel and walked back into the bedroom to get dressed so I could find myself so more breakfast.

"I'm not leaving without you, I've been tracking you since you left and I'll be damned if I return empty handed," Elijah replied stubbornly, causing me to roll my eyes. "Besides, I promised your brothers that I'd bring you back, and I like to think of myself as an honourable man." He had been tracking me this whole time?

I grabbed my bag off of the side and walked passed him, "You can show yourself out."

"Where are you going?" He frowned, following me out of the hotel room. I remembered to hang the 'Do not Disturb' sign on the door so the cleaners wouldn't go in and see the dead body.

"To get find some more breakfast, considering you killed mine," I shrugged. Was he going to get the hint that I didn't want him here yet?

"I'll join you then, if you don't mind?" He offered as we got into the elevator.

I looked at him skeptically, trying to see what his game was. He looked back at me with a small smile, not showing me any hint that he was joking, "Sure, do whatever you want."

I walked into the café down the street and saw a man sat by himself, I walked over to his table and sat down opposite him. I noticed Elijah hesitate by the door, but ignored him as I focused on my next meal.

"Hi, sorry, I noticed you sat here by yourself and wondered if I was okay to join you?" I smiled at the man politely. He was a good looking, young man who was sat drinking a mug of coffee.

"Sure, my names Alan," He smiled and offered me his hand to shake.

I stretched my own hand across the table to meet his, "Becs," I grinned back at him.

"Would you like some coffee, Becs?" He asked me, and I noticed his eyes landing to where my cleavage could be seen. I had specifically chosen a low-cut top and short skirt for this reason. It made it so much easier to find a meal dressed in little clothes.

"Sure," I nodded and he called over a waitress to pour me so coffee. "So, what brings you here this morning?"

"I'm just passing through here actually, I'm travelling for the next six months. What about you?" He asked me. I smirked to myself as I heard that he was travelling for the next six months, that made things easier for me.

"I'm staying in the hotel across the street, the coffee isn't very good there. Where are you heading first?" I didn't really care, but I needed to make it seem like I was interested. I mean, I had forgotten what he said his name was already.

"I'm travelling Europe, so I'm going to France first, Paris actually," He smiled and launched into a full explanation about his travels and where he was visiting and what he was most excited for in each country.

"How about we go for a walk?" I suggested, cutting off his spiel.

"Oh... Sure," He looked a little taken aback by my abruptness so I quickly smiled at him.

"I just thought we could enjoy the sunshine whilst you tell me more about the Pyramids," I stood up and he followed my lead, putting a few dollar bills on the table before we left.

He took my hand as we entered the still quiet street, and I smiled at him playing my part down to a tee - after all, I'd been doing this game for months now. As we were just about to walk by a small alleyway that led behind the café we had just been in, I pulled him into it. He looked shocked, but smirked back at me as I pushed him against the wall. "As much as I love hearing you talk, there are other things I'd rather be doing."

"I completely agree," He grinned and leant towards me.

"Stay still and don't make a sound," I said, compelling him before tilting his head to the side and sinking my teeth into his neck. I drank deeply, savouring the taste for a moment before devouring the rest of him.

As I dropped his body to the ground I heard clapping behind me. I turned around to see that it was Elijah, "Very well done, Rebecca, but his talking was very tedious. If you hadn't have put a stop to that, I would have."

"I don't know what your game is Elijah, but you're boring me now so why don't you back off," I snapped and went to leave the alleyway.

I heard a click behind me and turned back to see a girl walking out of the back door to the café, holding a bin bag. She saw the body on the floor before her eyes travelled up to look at me and then Elijah. Her mouth opened but before she could scream Elijah was in front of her, compelling her, "Do not move and do not make a noise, my dear."

My eyes widened as I watched Elijah's head go down against the girls neck. Less than a minute later the girl sagged in his arms and he dropped her lifeless body to the floor. "What the hell was that?" I raised my eyebrows at him as he turned to face me, wiping the blood from his chin with his pocket handkerchief.

"Breakfast," He shrugged and walked passed me. "Next round?"

I smirked at him and nodded, "I could go at this all day."

"Well it's a good job that I've got plenty of time to spare," He smirked back at me and led the way to our next meal stop.

Secrets (Sequel to Vampire? TVD FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon